Unemployment Benefits

There are a ton of jobs: you just need state licensure, four kinds of certifications, advanced degrees, plus five years of experience, and be willing to work for $9 an hour.

Remember when you could get hired for a job because you had apptitude for the work? It is now a business: all set up to protect the public, of course.

The florida job board now prescreens your qualifications for companies. No chance to even try to sell yourself. Heck, I even offered to work for free for a week so the people could see for themselves I could do the job... Nada....

I have a degree, but no experience. Can't get a license in psychology without at least a Master's, and can't afford more school. i used my savings to pay for undergrad education. Got offered an interview. One interview. They asked if I was willing to restrain violent teenage girls who might be punching, kicking, biting, scratching on top of verbally abusive...uh, noooo, not so much!

The thought of going back corporate is just too much. Why should I work my bottom off for peanuts to help someone else to make big money?

No, I will have my own small business this year, and I will put the payoff for all my hard work right into my own pocket... Becoming more food self sufficient lowers our financial needs, too, and I think it is healthier.

Seriously, I see us moving back to a barter society eventually. The government is trying hard to keep that from happening, but they can't stop it. I knew it back in the 80's when they started requiring children to get social security numbers, and parents to report who was babysitting for tax benefits: now sitters have to be licensed, regulated, trained, sealed and approved by the state.... Then they have to comply with a bunch of rules...remember the lady who got in trouble for watching neighborhood kids after they were bussed home? Watching them for too many hours requires a license! Sigh....
When the IRS started requiring SS numbers the next year millions of kids (deductions) disappeared.
Sadly, it seems as if the only professions not taxed and regulated to death are illegal. Crime is the incipient stage of capitalism. Another Leninism.
I see where the unions are organizing the fast food industry. That will be the end of the industry. The profit margins are not big enough to carry this. To handle the wage increase plus probable expenses related to Obama care they would have double or triple the price of the product. The people that eat fast food won't pay that kind of money for a quick lunch. I foresee a lot of brown baggers and unemployed and unskilled workers in our future.

More people on unemployment and food stamps.
Hubby still have not found a job, volunteered his time at daughter's school as lunch monitor and playground monitor. And he still out volunteering his time and gas money for the Patriot's Guards for any ceremonies, funerals for our veterans and soldiers coming home. And he would ask around if anyone has jobs nearby or know of any. Nada, zip, none so far!

My uncle worked for Big Yellow, and there are rolling layoffs presently and it will get worse. The orders are not coming in as much as they used to so that means the mining companies and construction businesses are reducing their inventory or prelonging their inventory to "last another year". The Big Yellow, ADM and Staley are the biggest manufactorers in this town and if they fold up to leave another state, this town would be in BIG trouble. The city has more and more of food places and retail stores....and Obama wants us to pay for our own insurance.
Hubby still have not found a job, volunteered his time at daughter's school as lunch monitor and playground monitor. And he still out volunteering his time and gas money for the Patriot's Guards for any ceremonies, funerals for our veterans and soldiers coming home. And he would ask around if anyone has jobs nearby or know of any. Nada, zip, none so far!

My uncle worked for Big Yellow, and there are rolling layoffs presently and it will get worse. The orders are not coming in as much as they used to so that means the mining companies and construction businesses are reducing their inventory or prelonging their inventory to "last another year". The Big Yellow, ADM and Staley are the biggest manufactorers in this town and if they fold up to leave another state, this town would be in BIG trouble. The city has more and more of food places and retail stores....and Obama wants us to pay for our own insurance.

eventually if everyone does what Obama wants and go on the dole, who's gonna fund the dole?
Unfortunately, our problems are structural, and our economy will not be able to self heal. We no longer can be the policeman, banker, and industrial engine of the world. That role belongs to China now.

We need to cut our loses. The tax system leaves about half of the population untaxed, but those folks don't understand the pain of the other half. We need to move away from the income tax and return to tariffs to finance our government. Free trade is just another liberal dream that turned out really bad. Tariffs would make cheap foreign made goods a lot more expensive, but our own people would have jobs and not just food stamps and welfare.

You can buy Haier air conditioners at the big box stores for less than it cost to ship them here. China dumps cheap goods until the native industry is destroyed. Then they dominate the market.

We have to realize that the US government cannot and should not be the answer to the world's problems. The Food for Peace program has fed the world since the Eisenhower era. That needs to stop.

The US government gives grain to other nations free. They then sell that on their economy and use those funds to bankroll their government. People in those countries need to be paying taxes to support their own government. It is not the roll of the US taxpayer to bankroll other peoples' government.

When those countries that hate us so much find their bellies rubbing their backbone, they may have a change in attitude. They need to plant more wheat and less opium poppies.

We have to realize that our nation is hooked on the opium of social welfare. It is sad that some people are poor, but making everyone poor doesn't help anyone. People are going to have to fend for them selves sometimes.

We need to move from an oil based economy to a natural gas based economy. The US could run on our own resources a good many generations without relying on some nations that hate us.

That is my thoughts on the problem. And it is better to buy something used in the second hand store rather than something new made in China.

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