Unemployment Benefits

It seems the social security payments are far more generous in the US. We have disabled living allowance which is exactly what it says on the tin, but it is only about £64 a week. If this is your sole income you would be entitled to social security benefit but altogether the payment would not be more than about £140 a week. Spouses income, whether from wages or pensions are always taken into consideration when awarding social security payments. Before she married, and as she was living at home, my daughter received £72 a week unemployment benefit. Had she lived in rented accommodation she would be able to claim housing benefit of about another £50 a week. As you can see the payments are not generous, particularly when you consider that rents in some parts of the country are £800 a month and house prices are averagely £250,000 for a very modest 3 bedroom home. Petrol is well over £5 a gallon. Utility tarriffs are very high as well.

Years ago there was those who were able to milk the system but over the years things have tightened up so much that I don't think that is as easy as it once was.All in all I think this is quite an expensive place to live and certainly to be unemployed in. It's absolute saving grace is the National Health Service which we would never change.
Well hubby's UI ran out.....no mail from the UI office or anything of that nature. We really need to file extension and don't know how long to wait until we get the mail.

He is not able to find anything around here....going to tighten our belts some more.
Well hubby's UI ran out.....no mail from the UI office or anything of that nature. We really need to file extension and don't know how long to wait until we get the mail.

He is not able to find anything around here....going to tighten our belts some more.

While I am employed I understand I got an AS in accounting and I can't get an ENTRY LEVEL job because I need 3-5 years EXPERIENCE. Hello what part of entry level job does employers not understand????
Employers want someone with about five to ten years experience, yet young and good looking, with an MBA to work for minimum wage part time. Trouble is, they will find what they want. The economy is so messed up now, I don't see it healing itself in my life time.
I read that it was above ten per cent. I guess that means it is bad, but they don't want to admit just how bad it is.

As long as everything for sale in the stores is made in China, our people will continue suffering from a falling standard of living. We have to realize that we are our own worst enemies. People have to stop buying Chinese merchandise.

Read this: http://www.thefinaledition.com/article/china-buys-walmart-will-rebrand-as-greatwallmart.html

Remember, the function of colonies is to provide cheap raw materials and captive markets. We are now an economic colony of China.

Unemployed people still continue drawing down their savings and resources losing first the savings, then the retirement funds, then the cars and finally the home.

And yet, the government continues to debase the currency to pay their bills and rob value from our savings.
Social welfare system as first class.....I don't think so, we don't have choices like the ones who have insurances. 

We are a wonderful country with alot of resources available at our fingertips. 

The system works for some, and not for others.  One of the kids across the street got himself shot in a gang related incident.  The last I heard, his medical bills were over $90,000.  Since they are undocumented (used to be illegal) immigrants, they will pay nothing. 

My health insurance runs me over $450 a month, and then my former employer kicks in $100 a month.  Then they take the medicare out of my social security check. 

When some people use the social welfare system, they get first class service.  Other just get told "This is for the needy, not the greedy."  I am afraid it is a racial thing.

A few friends without insurance ended up in the hospital for various things: heart, kidney, lung problems. All quite serious. They got life saving care, but the hospital discharged them VERY fast: 2 to 3 days...

Comparitively, others who have insurance with the very same problems were kept for a week or more.

All the people survived, somthe question is whether those long stays are medically necessary, or if the insurance is just being milked for every penny the insurance companies will pay.

Also, hospital bills are crazy: my dad's insurance was charged for doctor visits that never occured, meds never given, items never used...

When someone can get rich off a system, the system will be abused!

And people do elect to not pay a hospital bill, but when the bill is more than one earns in a lifetime, what do you expect to happen? The hospitals do not make deals for reasonable payments, and often one trip is just the start of many trips into the hospital as health deteriorates.

And let me finish by talking about the people I worked with before my layoff: many of these good christian conservatives (yes, they were a vast majority of rightwingers, in a heavily Republican county) decided to just stop paying off mortgages years before the layoffs came (we knew they were coming). They pocketed the cash and just walked away from their responsibilities leaving the rest of us to pay their way through taxes, bank fees, etc.... So don't slam immigrants as if they are the only people to work a system to their advantage or walk away from responsibility. So crappy behavior is the thing that is not racial: not the service one gets from the medical system, which is completely and only as good as one can pay for....

Racism is ugly and your comments are loaded with it, Rufus. Picture an immigrant, right now, quick...what did you see?

A brown person, I bet, right? Well, undocumented immigrants are also white....I personally have known some from Ireland, Germany, and other European countries, as well as some from Central and South america. The white ones had an easy job posing as legal as NO ONE ever questioned their being here. The Hispanic people were all employed, too, although their bosses all knew they were undocumented and were happy to give them jobs paid under the table. The bosses were, of course, good white christian folks in South Texas who did not mind the extra money going into their wallets one bit....

So please stop blaming a slice of society when the truth is the blame should be spread like a good manure...
Well, well, CAT did it again!

They already laid off 400 workers, and they are laying off another 1000 in this town. Not going to be very good at all because they are on an "indefinite layoffs" and would be put to a work program to retrain them. What good it would do to retrain all those employees where there isn't much jobs out there??????

Today's paper only had one column, newspaper delivery to outside town (hubby used to work for newspaper and they DO not pay for per mileage, just flat rate and many of them quit because the newspaper would not increase their wages to cover for gas per day) and professional services. We have too many factory workers here and a lot of restuarants.

I dont know if a lot of restuaraunts and lower wage bracket benefit each other even everyone is tightening their belt buckles.
Well, well, CAT did it again!

They already laid off 400 workers, and they are laying off another 1000 in this town. Not going to be very good at all because they are on an "indefinite layoffs" and would be put to a work program to retrain them. What good it would do to retrain all those employees where there isn't much jobs out there??????

Today's paper only had one column, newspaper delivery to outside town (hubby used to work for newspaper and they DO not pay for per mileage, just flat rate and many of them quit because the newspaper would not increase their wages to cover for gas per day) and professional services. We have too many factory workers here and a lot of restuarants.

I dont know if a lot of restuaraunts and lower wage bracket benefit each other even everyone is tightening their belt buckles.

I knew people re trained under the same or similar fed. program(s) they where sent to community colleges for the most part, HVAC, other similar trades where under the program, nursing, accounting and office administrative degrees, they had a list of approved degrees they could get. it seemed it was a national type of list and some schools did not have all the degrees and you had to really had to jump threw hoops if you didn't attend the college in town and went to one in a different town for a degree that was offered there on the list at that school. What several women where mad because beautician wasn't on the list (or perhaps it was but not offered thru the CC and the only way you could do it is thru a private beauty school and that is why they couldn't get training for it).

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