Unemployment Benefits

Also for all of you business owners. As of january 1st 2013 Business expenses are no longer tax right offs. That nice new combine or work boots will not count. College education doesn't count and there has been a 1% fee to all transactions. Have to pay for obamacare somehow.
What will happen when employers either pay for insurance or pay the $2,000 per employee fine will not be good. Plus, the government wants to implement FATCA as soon as possible. That will kill off foreign investment in the US. Foreign banks will not want our accounts, nor will they loan to us.
What will happen when employers either pay for insurance or pay the $2,000 per employee fine will not be good. Plus, the government wants to implement FATCA as soon as possible. That will kill off foreign investment in the US. Foreign banks will not want our accounts, nor will they loan to us.
I am curious how the insurance companies will fare... The only way I see OC working is taking the profit out of healthcare or having profit margins set by the government which will I'm afraid have dire consequences reminescent of the USPS.
Also for all of you business owners. As of january 1st 2013 Business expenses are no longer tax right offs. That nice new combine or work boots will not count. College education doesn't count and there has been a 1% fee to all transactions. Have to pay for obamacare somehow.

Where did you hear this ?

It's squeezed in those THOUSANDS of pages that congress couldn't take the time to read before actually passing the stupid thing. You'll be suprised just what is in that massive cancer that is being pushed on the American people. If you have the time and a serious case of insomnia you can look it up on-line and read it now. Though I dare say most give up long before they get to the interesting parts of the bill. ObamaCare will not make the American people healthier nor will it make healthcare more affordable to them. It will just penalize you for not being able to afford it in the first place. I have one neighbor that pretty much lives off the goodwill of others; he is a great guy, just not all there. Anyway, if he is able to get say $3000 a year TOTAL for his living expenses (That that is a high estimate of what he brings in during a year) just HOW will be be able to pay either for the healthcare or the fine? I'm guessing our over-filled prisons are about to get more residents.
Hubby is still looking for a job anyway. He simply can not "settle" down to relax over the holidays and he said staying at home "doing nothing" (to him even I give him things to do) is driving him crazy. Had one nibble but the job won't be open until March or April and it's part time. Ack!

Gotta keep him busy while he looks for a job. Never had too much trouble finding jobs ever since he moved here but this one is a bit harder, it takes him more time searching, waiting for responses, etc. All the companies are doing is thanking him and will put his name on the list.

For one job, you will get at least a hundred applying for it. That is how bad the odds are.

Yes I've been hearing about CAT will cut back their work hours after the holiday layoffs this year. The employees that do get called back will be facing four day a week, cut in health insurances or dropped, Anything less 38 hours, the companies are finding ways to avoid Obamacare. What happens if everyone is on Obamacare? It's looking like Canadian's health insurances.
What happens if everyone is on Obamacare? It's looking like Canadian's health insurances.

I see one thing happening very quickly. Doctors will stop accepting insurance and will become a cash service only. Some have already come out stating that this option is already being discussed since under the new system they will receive less than they do from the medicaid system and will need to cram even more patients into a ten minute time period.

Quote: 30 hours, not 38. That means that employers will give out 29 or less hours to each employee. That means that the very people that the new law is supposed to "Help" will only harm them since ends are hard to meet on 40 hours a week; imagine doing so on 29 hours a week.
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