
Premium Feather Member
Mar 27, 2021
I am on day 24 and there is one egg left that has not hatched yet. I candled it a couple of times and it looked like it was in the air cell, but since it wasn't hatching, I made a safety hole early on day 23. This morning, my mom decided that she should have hatched by now, and took the egg out to see. she said she didn't see any movement so she open the aircell further and it didn't look like there was an internal pip, but the egg was very shrink wrapped. Then she said she saw it kick. She decided to wet the membrane and you can clearly see that the chick is not in the air cell, and there are still thick blood vessels running along the egg. But it is day 24, how could she not be ready?

What am I supposed to do now? Is this chick ready yet? Or is she inevitably doomed by this point?
She has completely taken the shell off the membrane now. There is a little bit of blood...
I can't get her to stop pulling the shell and outermost membrane off. There is quite a bit of blood now and you can see the baby's head still tucked beneath her wing.
I am not experienced with hatching but I would say ask her to absolutely STOP touching it! Especially if there is blood! I don’t think the chick is ready yet. Can you post a picture?
I am pretty sure she's gone. My mom finally pulled the membrane off and pulled her head out. Her neck was bulged sort of odd. Her upper beak was nearly twice as small as her lower beak and it looked like her brain was coming out of her head....... she was moving before but when we brought her head out her eyes were half closed and clouded
I am pretty sure she's gone. My mom finally pulled the membrane off and pulled her head out. Her neck was bulged sort of odd. Her upper beak was nearly twice as small as her lower beak and it looked like her brain was coming out of her head....... she was moving before but when we brought her head out her eyes were half closed and clouded
I'm sorry about that. It wasn't formed right and wasn't going to live.
My mom said she opened her eyes and looked at her. She put her back in the lockdown incubator...... I don't know if she is still alive right now
It seems like what happened was since she didn't hatch on time she continued to grow inside the egg and ran out of room to position. Her feet were giant and we are assuming that she could have hatched and lived fine but for some reason, she didn't.
My mom said she opened her eyes and looked at her. She put her back in the lockdown incubator...... I don't know if she is still alive right now
Can you possibly get a picture? If the brain truly is coming out of the skull, a deformity like that can't be helped and the kindest thing would be to put her down, if she's still alive, or continues to live
It seems like what happened was since she didn't hatch on time she continued to grow inside the egg and ran out of room to position. Her feet were giant and we are assuming that she could have hatched and lived fine but for some reason, she didn't.
If the brain is coming out of her head etc, then that deformity was there pretty early on. They can only grow so much from the nutrients in the yolk, once that's gone, if they're stuck in the egg they'll pass away, they won't keep growing like that

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