Unhatched Egg


11 Years
Jul 12, 2008
Northeast Ohio
I had 5 of my 6 BLRW eggs hatch yesterday. Today the 6 th egg is still unhatched. I don't want to fool with it too much. My silky is still sitting on it. i did take a little peek at it and it had like a whiteish oval spot on one side. What does this mean. I didn't candle any of them ever. How long should I wait, and should I try candling now?
Well I got my answer. Just went out to the coop and the new babies are up and eating and momma abandoned the last egg. it was cold. So i brought it in and candled it. It looked like all liquid. So when I broke it , sure enough, that was all it was . no start of a chick even. Guess momma knows best.

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