Unique Footage and Data: wild Dad and Chicks Attacking Home Team


10 Years
Nov 9, 2013

Got amazing data and footage. I'll post in dribs and drabs.

But for years we've sought data on how long Dads parent the chicks. Here is footage of a wild male with two fine black-head chicks. I can only upload tiny clips. So, at the end . . . see the male 'step out' towards the bird off to the right?

Something unmentioned in the literature is how 'Dad Plus' skirmishes:

the chicks rush in first.

So what you see is Dad stepping out to attack Limpychick. Then we miss a bit. Then the three attackers, two chicks up front and Dad, are after Limpychick, who is beating a hasty retreat.

One of the most amazing observations ever was when a fine fine looking and powerful wild male stepped into the clearing, where Eric and Chicks Alpha and Omega were, and whoooped Eric. Long story. But again, outstanding rare behaviour to witness.

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One data that we've considered for six years or more is: do Dad emus always dump the clutch in the first year -- so they can form a breeding-pair again?

Or do they sometimes -- perhaps according to conditions -- parent right through to almost a full two years?

We had a photo from Youtube showing a Dad with a large clutch of chicks, but the chicks were so big that you had to look really hard to realise they were chicks. So, that's a datum. And I have one time that I am sure of seen a Dad with a chick in winter.

It's the chicks in winter that is the datum: if Dad is still with chicks in winter, then he has skipped over his chance to mate in that winter.

So, guys, this morning at dawn, when I heard enthusiastic cheeping, I was really pleased. First time ever, since we 'opened the enquiry,' that we've had such a datum.

And next we conjecture about how a Dad decides to do the full two years.

Beautiful chicks. We know their age down to weeks: 42 weeks.

Sassy but still freaked out by coming into the clearing -- house and man and other emus. And we gotta wonder if the Dad has been here before.

Finally: but above all, the clip of the chicks leading the attack against Limpychick is a world first. I've never seen this on Youtube.

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Mr. and Mrs. Tooshtoosh. The home-team bird, when she/he first turns up with consort in tow, talks to the newcomer. Really, guys, it's a conversation. And newcomer runs to and fro. But eventually gets a taste of yummy wheat.

It's not impossible that this bair will actually breed here this year.

Yesterday morning. This is Limpychick, who is being driven off by Dad and chicks. And the random wild male, whom Limpychick can drive off. And Mr. and Mrs. Tooshtoosh, who retreat before L. -- who pursues them a distance -- but who seem determined to set up camp here.

The tree is a 'lilly pilly.' Emooozzz lurrrrv lilly pillies. You can't see the second chick. But gurker and the cheepers are here now.

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