Unknown Chick Sickness


Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
In my first batch of chicks I had 2 chicks suddenly be unable to walk without stumbling. One came down with it first. I gave it electrolytes and vitamins and it seemed to have gotten better. I kept it on a heating pad and by itself to avoid trampling. Overnight it died.

Around the time the first one died another chick had the same sickness. I noticed it when a chick was walking, fell in the shallow water dish and struggled to get out. I gave it the same treatment, it got back to 100% health and then died in it's sleep.

Both of the chicks were growing slower than the other chicks they hatched out with. They were all being kept inside and their brooder was cleaned everyday.

The only other time I saw this sickness was with some of my older chickens, when they were chicks, 2 of their brooding mates died the same way. I have not had any problems with the batch since, no one seems sick.

I am hoping this isn't genetic, and I hope to find out what it is if I run into it again.

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