Unknown objects in eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 24, 2014
I have been finding these in my otherwise healthy Orphington's eggs for the past two weeks. Anyone know what they are? She free ranges for 2-3 hrs a day. Otherwise in a fenced dirt run or coop. Thanks!
Looks okay to me. Occasionally you'll see bits of blood and so forth in young pullets.
Thanks! Used to the blood spots but this has a definite shape oval like a seed or something only softer. Kinda freaky to me.
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The link provided by provided above on Common Egg Quality Problems is one I've referred to a lot, check it out. Sometimes strange things happen during the egg laying process.

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Hi Ann1948,

This is too large to be a parasite/worm egg - they are microscopic and being smooth and is obviously not a worm or tapeworm segment. I have seen something like this in the past occasionally in my eggs, and think it is likely a tiny small second yolk. But would not expect this to appear in every egg she legs. If it does, then investigate further. PM if you have further concerns.

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