Unknown Predator.

Dang, this was like reading a detective story or something 😂

(The following story is an exaggeration. Imagine it in black-and-white, as a film.)

It was nighttime in Dietrich, The kind of night that reminded you that they would always be a culprit trying to go after chickens. So, Jared Nicholes, private animal investigator, popped his feet up on his desk, and looked out the window, at the chickens he has sworn to protect. It was then that trouble walked in. A neighbor of mine came into the house. She was in distress.

“Jared, I need your help. I’ve got money, see? I can pay!” She said in a trembling voice.

“Calm down. Start from the beginning. What’s going on?“ I said to her calmly. She hesitated.

“Something has been coming and eating my chickens one by one every night! I have 15, and I am now down to four. It’s been killing chickens, and leaving the carcasses behind.“ she said, sobbing.

“I’ll set up my camera tonight, and I’ll see if I can spot what’s going on. I bet you it’s the raccoon bandit. I’ve seen him in the newspaper a few times. He’s been striking a lot.”

I then proceed to leave my office, and go to the scene of the crime. There was definitely signs of a struggle. I set up my camera.

The next morning, I received a call from her. She was wondering if I could check the camera. I left my office, and walked down the street to the crime scene.

When I got to the scene of the crime, I saw the culprit. It was a skunk. She told me, “ That thing I killed my chickens!!” I quickly pulled out my piece, and dispatched the skunk.

Clean kill. I’m not one to make a sloppy kill. I then checked the camera, and discovered that there was more the story than meets the eye. It was indeed the raccoon bandit. The skunk was his accomplice.

I told her to fortify the run, and that I would be there for a stake out tonight to the catch the culprit.

That night, I was waiting until midnight. The raccoon bandit didn’t show up. I called it a night, and left.

The same thing happened the next night. However, on the third night, something interesting happened. The raccoon bandit seem to turn around. He decided not to go for the chickens anymore. There has not been a loss in that run since then.

However, what troubles me is that the raccoon bandit is still out there, somewhere.
(The following story is an exaggeration. Imagine it in black-and-white, as a film.)

It was nighttime in Dietrich, The kind of night that reminded you that they would always be a culprit trying to go after chickens. So, Jared Nicholes, private animal investigator, popped his feet up on his desk, and looked out the window, at the chickens he has sworn to protect. It was then that trouble walked in. A neighbor of mine came into the house. She was in distress.

“Jared, I need your help. I’ve got money, see? I can pay!” She said in a trembling voice.

“Calm down. Start from the beginning. What’s going on?“ I said to her calmly. She hesitated.

“Something has been coming and eating my chickens one by one every night! I have 15, and I am now down to four. It’s been killing chickens, and leaving the carcasses behind.“ she said, sobbing.

“I’ll set up my camera tonight, and I’ll see if I can spot what’s going on. I bet you it’s the raccoon bandit. I’ve seen him in the newspaper a few times. He’s been striking a lot.”

I then proceed to leave my office, and go to the scene of the crime. There was definitely signs of a struggle. I set up my camera.

The next morning, I received a call from her. She was wondering if I could check the camera. I left my office, and walked down the street to the crime scene.

When I got to the scene of the crime, I saw the culprit. It was a skunk. She told me, “ That thing I killed my chickens!!” I quickly pulled out my piece, and dispatched the skunk.

Clean kill. I’m not one to make a sloppy kill. I then checked the camera, and discovered that there was more the story than meets the eye. It was indeed the raccoon bandit. The skunk was his accomplice.

I told her to fortify the run, and that I would be there for a stake out tonight to the catch the culprit.

That night, I was waiting until midnight. The raccoon bandit didn’t show up. I called it a night, and left.

The same thing happened the next night. However, on the third night, something interesting happened. The raccoon bandit seem to turn around. He decided not to go for the chickens anymore. There has not been a loss in that run since then.

However, what troubles me is that the raccoon bandit is still out there, somewhere.
He saw the light after you shot that skunk.

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