Unlimited access to food?


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
I have read different things on here...trying to figure out what is best:

Do you just fill a bowl and leave it? I saw a video or picture, don't remember, of a huge black tub filled with pellets. I have been feeding mine morning and night, with peas a couple of times a day and veggies if I have them. I think I read somewhere about ducks eating till their full and then stopping....is this true? They won't gorge themselves until it is gone, right??

Who leaves food out and who feeds at certain times??
I try to keep food always available but not too full so it doesnt get wasted. I start the morning off with a couple scoops in each pan and I check them throughout the day and add a scoop if they are empty.
Nice to know. I am going to start doing this! What kind of pan do you have? In fact...was it one of you pics I saw with the big black tub??
use a hanging chicken feeder and keep a scoop full in it at a time. This gives me approx. 3-4 days of feed until I need to refill it.
I did keep food out at all times but now thanks to the rats, food is removed at night.
Dang rats, anyway!!!! Annoying as all get out.

How do you guys feed the fruits and veggies?
All my ducks are free choice fed.. actually all my animals are lol

I just fill up 2 small bowls for the day and i leave feed during the night to. I am raising my newer pair this way to(1.5mths) The older ones will be 4mths in early Sept(3rd) and nobody has gorged or done poorly by this method of feeding. The older ones are left to free range during the day to so they gather bugs, grass.. and whatever else they get there beaks on(my veggie garden!

As for veggies and other treats we just toss them down, we sometimes will toss stuff into there kiddypool.. dandelion leaves are a big fave!
I have an old ceramic pie plate that holds exactly two days' worth of pellets for my three Mallards.
So I only have to feed every other morning, which is handy, because I keep all my feed in the basement and it's a bit of trek. LOL

They don't gorge themselves; rather they just seem to nibble on it as they need it, between foraging excursions. I keep it inside a dog house so it stays dry, and the doghouse is inside a secure pen that keeps rodents out.
Yeah, I use the black rubber feeders, they are virtually indestructible
I have a couple different sizes. I have a pan that sits near my porch for scraps to go. I feed peas by hand and salad greens go either in their pool or in the scraps pan, depending on how busy I am.
Yeah, I use the black rubber feeders, they are virtually indestructible
I have a couple different sizes. I have a pan that sits near my porch for scraps to go. I feed peas by hand and salad greens go either in their pool or in the scraps pan, depending on how busy I am.

yes we have those as well, there livestock bowls/pans.. we have some for the horses so i know first hand they survive plenty of abuse lol

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