Unorganized content

I may have clicked new articles instead of learning articles...

If on a computer look here and notice the big NAVIGATION box on the left.
Notice the different catagories in the drop down lists in this navagation box.
Screenshot (107).png
I'm also willing to help organize however I can. One thing I see is that the member pages section has 10k articles. That number seems overwhelming. The articles on the first page are excellent, but there must surely be many excellent articles after the first page that get lost/never read. I also see that the Learning Center doesn't have a category for "Behaviors and Egg Laying" like the Forums does, and many excellent (but lost) member pages articles would fall under this category. And maybe call the Learning section category "Poultry behaviors and Egg Laying" to include not just chickens, but ducks, etc etc. Maybe it would help to add some other categories in the Learning Center similiar to the forums, and separate Member pages articles into those new categories too? For instance, a section for Genetics and Breeding. There are some serious genetic whizzes on BYC, and people could learn a lot if those genetics experts wrote articles.

I suspect my ideas may require reading through 10k member pages articles to separate into other categories. Am I willing to do that? Yes! I love to read, except it would probably take the rest of my life and then some to read through 10k articles. But I am willing to do all I can. Also, it was mentioned earlier on this thread that many articles contain inaccuracies. I have not seen that but it saddened me to hear, because if anyone posts misinformation on the forums, someone with more knowledge will soon come along and make a correction. Someone (I can't remember the user name) recently said on one of the forums, that BYC is the largest "peer-reviewed website in the world." I loved that! So maybe have a committee of peers to review articles, not to edit for grammatical errors etc, but to at least ensure info is factual and correct? And if inaccuracies are found, pm the article writer asking them to correct those inaccuracies?

I'm brainstorming, and maybe my ideas are not feasible to implement, idk. Just saying, I'm willing to help implement Any ideas that could improve the articles section in any way!

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