unpopular chicken opinions??

You don't have to change your chickens names once you are sure of their gender.
HAHAHA. I have turkeys, I didn't name them until I KNEW their genders (And they were 5 months old by then) for that reason. But I have seen a TON of names that don't match the gender because they didn't change the name once they KNEW the gender. Was just talking to someone the other day that just learned their "Steve" is actually a HEN.
I had a silkie that I named Hennefer because she had a foot deformity (I fixed the fact that it was fused, but it ended up turning out). Then she grew a huge comb and started crowing. So I changed the name to Squawkimodo. Shortly after he discovered the joy of the ladies, he decided to buy himself a ticket to freezer camp by attacking my kid. :/
hmmm- fun- :oops:
hmmm- fun- :oops:
...yeah. I don't tolerate unprovoked attacks. It'd be one thing if she'd been harassing him, but no...he decided that stalking and attacking her every time she came in the yard was his favorite thing. I didn't want her to become afraid of chickens, and I couldn't really pawn an aggressive rooster off on some other family. It was a hard decision to make...I tried so hard for that bird.
sad michael scott GIF
I live in a fairly conservative country area and people seem really hung up on assigning gendered names to their pets. It goes like this...

Me: Talking about my Barnevelder rooster, Wilma.
Other person: Don't you mean Wilbur?
Me: Nope, her name is Wilma.
Other Person: But, but, its a rooster.
Me: Yes, Wilma is a rooster and fine rooster she is.
Other person: 🤔 Roosters are boys.
Me: Yes, roosters are male and a name doesn't change that.
Other person: You're weird.
Me: Thanks, but I prefer to be called queer.
You don't have to change your chickens names once you are sure of their gender.
i did but not because i swore if i ever got a rooster i was naming him gerald, plus the name melody was kinda ironic now knowing why he was so loud. i’m a sucker for naming your chickens with either objects or people names my flock varies from a bird named “covid” to “ruth bader ginsberg” (i can explain i swear)
i did but not because i swore if i ever got a rooster i was naming him gerald, plus the name melody was kinda ironic now knowing why he was so loud. i’m a sucker for naming your chickens with either objects or people names my flock varies from a bird named “covid” to “ruth bader ginsberg” (i can explain i swear)
Mine are Silvia, Gladys, Buffy and Wilma. Most of the names play off the breed, but Gladys is a Voorwerk and the most stupidly reactive hen I have had in a long time. Thus I named her after a politician with similar tendencies.

If I'd had hens when RGB passed, I might have memorialised by naming one of the flock. We had a mini dachshund name Raji. We got him just after Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated.

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