unpopular chicken opinions??

I've always maintained that meat industries and egg ones should have some sort of cooperation. There's no reason day-old male chicks should be shredded when there are hungry people and the meat industry is never lacking in funds. At least the poor guys should fulfill a purpose (meat birds) than just being a destroyed by-product. It's just another example of classic American waste. 🙄
Layer breeds are pretty useless meat birds though. It takes a long time to raise them, and you only get 1-2 pounds of meat. The cost per pound would be way higher than a cornish x, and who would want to buy an expensive, scrawny bird when they could get a big cornish for far cheaper?
When you learn the skills to put some of your extra chickens in the freezer (after roasting), then you can sip homemade slow cooked chicken broth.

Edited to add, that right there is an unpopular opinion
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Ok, let me throw this out there, and see how fast it gets deleted because someone cries.

Dogs and Cats, specifically dogs.
SOME people eat them. I don't see a problem at all with this.
WHY don't we sell dogs and cats as food products?

How many thousands and thousands of dogs get put down EACH YEAR in shelters because there is nobody who wants them? Across the nation, TENS if not HUNDREDS of thousands.

A shelter kills a dog, it gets thrown in the trash, buried in a land fill or possibly cremated. What a waste, What if that dog was given to feed a family? The end result is the same, you got rid of the unwanted animal BUT in this case, someone actually benefits from it, instead of the life being wasted for absolutely nothing. As long as it is killed humanely why not feed someone? and WHY is it ok to eat a chicken that makes wonderful pets too, but OH GOD FORBID a dog? why are they so special,they are not that much smarter than chickens, (Labrador breed comes to mind, those are dumb animals right there).

Save a Chicken, eat a Pomeranian instead.

I don’t know. I feel like even a portion of them should be sold separately from the pullet chicks, but it’s possible that no one would buy them.
I'm buying a male but the safe ratio of males to females is just really low. I would definitely rather them die as day old chicks than fight to the death - that's a long slow death
Ok, let me throw this out there, and see how fast it gets deleted because someone cries.

Dogs and Cats, specifically dogs.
SOME people eat them. I don't see a problem at all with this.
WHY don't we sell dogs and cats as food products?

How many thousands and thousands of dogs get put down EACH YEAR in shelters because there is nobody who wants them? Across the nation, TENS if not HUNDREDS of thousands.

A shelter kills a dog, it gets thrown in the trash, buried in a land fill or possibly cremated. What a waste, What if that dog was given to feed a family? The end result is the same, you got rid of the unwanted animal BUT in this case, someone actually benefits from it, instead of the life being wasted for absolutely nothing. As long as it is killed humanely why not feed someone? and WHY is it ok to eat a chicken that makes wonderful pets too, but OH GOD FORBID a dog? why are they so special,they are not that much smarter than chickens, (Labrador breed comes to mind, those are dumb animals right there).

Save a Chicken, eat a Pomeranian instead.

a pomeranian is just a fluffy rat anyway :lau

my first thought is just that shelter animals cant be guaranteed safe to eat because the USDA isnt involved & there would at least be a substantial withdrawal period for any animals with unknown history- like if you bought a chicken and didnt ask any questions, you'd want to at least wait the longest "meal withdrawal" time for commonly used antibiotics, wormers etc.
Ok, let me throw this out there, and see how fast it gets deleted because someone cries.

Dogs and Cats, specifically dogs.
SOME people eat them. I don't see a problem at all with this.
WHY don't we sell dogs and cats as food products?

How many thousands and thousands of dogs get put down EACH YEAR in shelters because there is nobody who wants them? Across the nation, TENS if not HUNDREDS of thousands.

A shelter kills a dog, it gets thrown in the trash, buried in a land fill or possibly cremated. What a waste, What if that dog was given to feed a family? The end result is the same, you got rid of the unwanted animal BUT in this case, someone actually benefits from it, instead of the life being wasted for absolutely nothing. As long as it is killed humanely why not feed someone? and WHY is it ok to eat a chicken that makes wonderful pets too, but OH GOD FORBID a dog? why are they so special,they are not that much smarter than chickens, (Labrador breed comes to mind, those are dumb animals right there).

Save a Chicken, eat a Pomeranian instead.

This is a thread about unpopular chicken opinions, not unpopular dog and cat ones.
But, to go along with your opinion. Chickens were bred for meat and egg laying abilities, and dogs and cats have been domesticated and bred to be companion animals.
So, how does the breeding for companion purposes have anything to do with their food value? Why is a dog undesireable to a chicken? They BOTH taste good to be honest. So I guess this IS a very unpopular chicken opinion right here because I am saying save them instead of eating them first. thread topic saved.... :)

jwehl I understand where you are coming from on that aspect, how can you be sure it's safe to eat. Id think an abandoned / wild mutt is going to have less of a chance of getting injected with drugs (people trying to help their dogs, which this one obviously does not have) than one that is domesticated. I think many shelters have a two week hold time to begin with, but it varies from state to state and depending on their animal load too.

Also on that, some of these chicken farms, we have see in the news recently. Wow, I mean, the way they treat those birds, are those really so much better off, safer to eat? It's really a dice toss either way sadly.

and WHY is it ok to eat a chicken that makes wonderful pets too, but OH GOD FORBID a dog? why are they so special,they are not that much smarter than chickens, (Labrador breed comes to mind, those are dumb animals right there).

Save a Chicken, eat a Pomeranian instead.

What if you don’t eat chicken?
If you don't eat chicken then there's even more reason Dogs should be considered a food dish, unless you are a veggie eater of course. Either way, id rather see them being used somehow instead of just being essentially thrown away.


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