unpopular chicken opinions??

Manufactured coops chicken occupancy is spot on........ or absurd?
View attachment 2536281
That's not a manufactured coop, nor is it a laying hen cage. Those are usually how soup hens are transported so they don't step on each other or smother each other in panic
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Good luck if you're in the US. I've tried and tried and I can only find rescues in the uk
unpopular opinion: rescuing chickens should be just as normalized as rescuing any other pet from a shelter, (not that there should be chicken shelters) and it should be put as an option for people looking for backyard chickens. i didn’t even know it was a thing until much later and i feel like that should be a thing people do more often. that and looking for chickens that need to be regimes before buying six more from a feed store
unpopular opinion: rescuing chickens should be just as normalized as rescuing any other pet from a shelter, (not that there should be chicken shelters) and it should be put as an option for people looking for backyard chickens. i didn’t even know it was a thing until much later and i feel like that should be a thing people do more often. that and looking for chickens that need to be regimes before buying six more from a feed store
If I could find chicken rescues where I live, I would certainly adopt some. My chickens are, for all intents and purposes, pets. I rescue my dogs: why not birds?
Rescuing chickens, ha, now there's an idea.
From my experience, although extremely limited. Chickens have NO problems finding homes if they lay eggs, Roosters now, thats a different story. I cant see any commercial anything doing away with a chicken in a manner that does not make profit for them. If it gets sick or injured, it gets thrown into cat food, or your discount nuggets at McDogmeats right next to your big mac.

The only real bird rescues that I ever found were the exotics, ie Parrot Rescues of (fill in the state) but no other bird 'types'.

On this, at one time, I used to raise Bearded Dragons, (Friendly Lizards) for those who don't know. Long story short, I asked the Law Enforcement, ok so you kick in the door to some crack head, throw him in jail, what about the pets? If the trailer had dogs / cats' they'd end up in a shelter or whatnot waiting for adoption. Now I KNOW people have other pets too, snakes, LIZARDS... (see where this is going :) ) birds, etc. What do you do then? The reply was, most of the zoo's take them if they are in decent shape, if it's a bird that's tamed / not psychotic, it'll be snatched up in an instant by many places. They also said that other animals, they know people who'd take them when they need to be rid of them. They also work with the Game Wardens too.

This kind of made sense, I mean, lets look at us. IF someone came up to you and said, hey, I have this chicken that was removed from an abusive / neglectful environment, and you had chickes (which most of us do.....) How many of us would say, well, sure, given the situation, I'll take her in with my flock. I know I would and now that I am part of the Chicken World, I am more attuned to it, so to say, and know many others who have no problems taking in extra chickens.

Rescuing Roosters, yep, a big issue, for obvious reasons, but is there really a need for Hen Rescues, because NO the commercial entities are NOT going to give you ANY type of rescue because that'd be admission of abuse, and you know where that would lead legal and reputation wise. They'd sooner send them to slaughter than admit that publicly. Or make up some BS, they caught XXX and all had to be destroyed etc.


P.S Im not trying to make fun of you, this IS a noble thing you want to do, but some things just are not going to happen. Id LOVE to see a Lizard Rescue or Snake Rescue, but, and in Florida this is a BIG problem, NOT going to happen, it's a big pain the ass, because of permitting etc, and them not wanting the things out in the wild because they WILL survive out here, unlike up north where they'd freeze, and cause big problems. We have a huge mess right now with Pythons that people let loose over the years destroying native animal speces.

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