unpopular chicken opinions??

sister in law lived in a mobile home. Went into kitchen drawer to get a dish towel and stuck her hand onto mama possum who decided to nest there! must have gotten in by pipe under sink! I would have had a heart attack!
In fairness to the opossum, I’ll relate that a wildlife rescue person told me opossums are supposed to eat fruit, and that them eating chicks, eggs and cat kibble means they’re going down the road to bad health.
f you only ate rabbit, you'd actually get protein poisoning or something like that because they are so high in protein and so low in everything else. but I cant imagine a situation where you only have rabbit.
Anyone see the movie "Us"? Apparently the underground people only eat raw rabbits.
@ColtHandorf's white clouds Orps are magnificent.
That they are...

RIP Derek...

Y'know when opossums are terrifying? When they TAKE THE LID of your CHICKEN FEED and you find them stuck in the feed bin before you've had breakfast
Oh wow! Sounds a bit like what happened to me a few months ago but it wasn't a possum.

I stuck my hand into a bag of hay so that I could grab some and give it to some mice. A FAT RAT WAS ON THE HAY THAT I PULLED OUT RIGHT BY MY HAND.

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