Unsure about when day 21 is, signs of pending hatch?

I cant get it to allow me to post any videos, but heres a picture of one of my little chicks, shes now all grown up and in the coop. They grow up SO fast!

Oh i can see those veins beautifully!!!!! 20+ eggs is like entering a whole new arena of chicken keeping! Like being a pro haha! How exciting!

We are hatching chicken mutts haha! We HAD 2 roosters- a lavender orpington who was a wonderful dinner, and a frizzled olive egger who is appropriately named sir elton john. He is fancy. Our hens are rhode island reds, buff orp, silver laced wyandotte, and ameraucana. The ameraucana eggs aren't in there. So i am not sure which roo mounted which lady. Should be an interesting batch!

My lockdown was a full blown failure. Once i tried to put in a small washcloth with warm water, i couldn't get the temp above 92. And the humidity barely rose. I started the change over around 830. By 1045 i said enough, took it all back out, went back to the original, stable set up. Temps sayed steady at 97/98 all night. Got up and decided i would put in a sponge, but overall i got a warm humidifier and put it into the bathroom. Going to try to just raise the humidity in the whole thing.

Really interesting, last night i had movement in all 3 eggs. This morning the lazy one wouldnt move at all (i checked everyone one last time since i was rearranging anyway) but as i candled i noticed that i dont see any blood vessels anymore. There is still a bit of yellow area between the air sac and the dark chick blob, but no big blood vessels. I'm wondering if that egg is resting up and absorbing the last of its blood and yolk, of if it somehow died. I guess we will see!
Oh i can see those veins beautifully!!!!! 20+ eggs is like entering a whole new arena of chicken keeping! Like being a pro haha! How exciting!

We are hatching chicken mutts haha! We HAD 2 roosters- a lavender orpington who was a wonderful dinner, and a frizzled olive egger who is appropriately named sir elton john. He is fancy. Our hens are rhode island reds, buff orp, silver laced wyandotte, and ameraucana. The ameraucana eggs aren't in there. So i am not sure which roo mounted which lady. Should be an interesting batch!

My lockdown was a full blown failure. Once i tried to put in a small washcloth with warm water, i couldn't get the temp above 92. And the humidity barely rose. I started the change over around 830. By 1045 i said enough, took it all back out, went back to the original, stable set up. Temps sayed steady at 97/98 all night. Got up and decided i would put in a sponge, but overall i got a warm humidifier and put it into the bathroom. Going to try to just raise the humidity in the whole thing.

Really interesting, last night i had movement in all 3 eggs. This morning the lazy one wouldnt move at all (i checked everyone one last time since i was rearranging anyway) but as i candled i noticed that i dont see any blood vessels anymore. There is still a bit of yellow area between the air sac and the dark chick blob, but no big blood vessels. I'm wondering if that egg is resting up and absorbing the last of its blood and yolk, of if it somehow died. I guess we will see!

Oh, that would be so sad if it died! I sure hope not! Yeah it is hard to keep the humidity up during lockdown, what I usually do is put warm damp paper towels soaked in water and then fill up all the channels with warm water and then I take a spray bottle thing and mist all over in there. And I usually get high enough humidity. My incubator usually holds 98-99 during this time as long as I stabilized it before. What kind of incubator do yo have? I hope all three of your eggs hatch! Good luck and keep my updated.
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I made my incubator! Total whim. I had a broody hen abandon what turned out to be infertile eggs, and both myself and my kids were ex ited. So i rigged one from our brooder lamp, cardboard, and old roaster, a glass pane from a picture frame, and duct tape currently i have one analog thermometer, one digital therm/hygrometer, one analog therm/hygro, and outside of the incubator i have a therm/barometer/hygro. I have more gauges than eggs at this point ha! I definitely without a doubt had one move on its own. The other 2 i am 80% sure wiggled a little. Hopefully it works!
That's so cool! I just bought mine, now I feel so uncreative! Lol. I know it's so hard to tell if the egg is really rocking or if your eyes are playing tricks on you. It's so exciting to see them rock and hear them peep and watch them hatch. I love incubating eggs! I hope all your eggs hatch!
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We had a pip between 1 and 430am! I hearn a little chirp this morning! And another is rocking a little. The pip was from my most active chick! So far everything is GREAT! Humidity is holding strong at 68%, temp is staying right around 100. If i get 2 of the 3 i'll be stoked!
Little egg is getting much louder and i can hear faint taps. And it's moving quite a bit! I'll be surprised if egg numero uno doesnt hatch by tonight
That's awesome! I'm so excited for you! Please post pics of those little fuzzy butts when they come out!
Let us know how it goes! I have one start chirping and tapping this afternoon. He's not due until Thursday but I guess he didn't get the memo :) The last one that hatched pipped on Friday morning and didn't hatch until Saturday afternoon so now I know not to go running to check every half hour lol

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