Unsure if crop is impacted


In the Brooder
Nov 5, 2020
So my Buff Bramha that broke her beak a few weeks back and has since recovered has me worried again lol. Checked on her around 8am an noticed she had a solid crop. She could've definitely stuffed herself between the automatic coop door opening at sunrise and me checking on her, but a recent loss due to an impacted crop has me overly paranoid. Brought her side to keep an eye on her from a few hours. She's acting normal, bright eyed, curious, and pecking at anything she can, but no droppings since I took her inside. After a few hours I offered her a bit of scrambled egg with oil which she was fine with and water which she gorged on and her crop now feels fluid filled and also prompted some yawning but otherwise still fine. Any ideas?
and immediately after posting this she had 2 smaller (for her) droppings looking about equal in urates and "brown matter" lol. Crop is still water filled. How fast should that be draining normally?
and immediately after posting this she had 2 smaller (for her) droppings looking about equal in urates and "brown matter" lol. Crop is still water filled. How fast should that be draining normally?
I don’t worry about crop issues unless they’re present over night. Catch her fresh off the roost and go from there.
My girls gorge first thing in the morning. Snack most of the day, and stuff themselves right before dark.
I don’t worry about crop issues unless they’re present over night. Catch her fresh off the roost and go from there.
My girls gorge first thing in the morning. Snack most of the day, and stuff themselves right before dark.
yeah, hopefully it's just paranoia from the last time.. The last one was noticed early morning with a full crop and very lethargic. It felt like I was too late and I wanted to be more proactive. I guess all that has me worried now is how long the water should be sitting in the crop.
Sorry to be bumping again but there's still fluid, albeit it seems a little less, in her crop. How long should this be taking?

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