Unusual egg question


7 Years
Dec 2, 2012
Southern California
I have three eggs under my broody hen (not hers, from another chicken) and when i picked one of the eggs up it felt like something was moving inside (as I slowly turned the egg if felt like something moved from one side of the egg to the other).

Has this happened to anyone before? I couldn't find any info through a search.

Does this mean the chick is dead and no longer attached to the sac inside the egg?

This is only the second time I have tried to hatch eggs and the others I hatched had no problems.

I have three eggs under my broody hen (not hers, from another chicken) and when i picked one of the eggs up it felt like something was moving inside (as I slowly turned the egg if felt like something moved from one side of the egg to the other).

Has this happened to anyone before? I couldn't find any info through a search.

Does this mean the chick is dead and no longer attached to the sac inside the egg?

This is only the second time I have tried to hatch eggs and the others I hatched had no problems.


How long have the eggs been under the hen..

I would handle that egg very carefully...

When they rot instead of develop you get a big gelatin like mass that floats in a smelly rotten liquid that if it breaks will clear a 4 block area...

Think Skunk on Steroids.
I feel sick right now coz I'm eating ice cream and you are talking about "When they rot instead of develop you get a big gelatin like mass that floats in a smelly rotten liquid that if it breaks will clear a 4 block area..." lol:sick:sick:sick:sick:sick
I have never felt a dead embryo move in an egg. They just dry out in place, I just had a rotten one I pulled out of a nest, I felt the movement, candled fast and set it gently in the neighbors garbage can...And snuck back home.
Thanks. I tried to candle this egg, but no light goes through the egg. It is just a dark mass. Checked some non-fertile eggs and candling worked just fine.

They have been under the hen for 14 days. One other broke so I really understand the smell thing (it was horrific).
Can you see the Air Sac?

Does anything move around the Air Sac?

How brave do you feel? How does it look compared to your other eggs the same age?

Sometime you just have to go with a gut feeling. I know throwing a good egg away vacuums...BUT having a bad one explode and kill all the chicks and cause you major reflexes of the gastrointestinal system is worse..

Good luck.

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