UOC membership information


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Land of Lincoln
Gee, I have been bombarded with some folks wanting some LF Orpingtons and I kept telling them that I no longer have them anymore. Just the black and blue Orp bantams.

I have emailed the UOC and both times they have not changed the breed status in what I have in my flock. No response back either.

The only thing I could do is to wait out my membership to finish before I renew and then put some corrected flock names and hopefully they will change it.

Now what???????????
I have NO LF Orpingtons anymore because I lost almost all but a pair to predators and a friend got my last pair. Now I have bantam Orpingtons in blue and black. Sorry no hatching eggs but might have some started chicks in about two or three months. I will put an ad somewhere for these chicks to go. I am keeping mostly all pullets and two cockerals for future breedings if all goes well.

Thanks for asking!

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