Up to -50 windchills-odd question about heating


Jul 7, 2018
Northern Wisconsin
We are having crazy cold here in Northern Wisconsin. I have 5 hens. They have a nice coop, insulated, ventilated. Today was -27 and it stayed 13 in there. They have a heated water dish and have still been laying. But we are supposed to have even colder temps, record-breaking, in the next week or two and I'm worried. I have a 72 watt light bulb in there that I have had running 24-7 because it throws off a little heat, but that's all I have for heat. I was just brainstorming and was wondering about putting in a Himalayan salt lamp overnight? That way it throws off a little heat but not a bright light so they can sleep. Sounds odd, I know! Open to any ideas. Thank you!
If your coop is draft free and dry, they will be fine. You said its insulated too so as long as you can keep the wind and snow out....they will be fine. Remember they are equipped for the cold. They don't feel it like we do.
As long as they have a dry, draft-free (but well ventilated) shelter, have plenty of high-calorie feed, and unfrozen water, they're good to go! :D

Also, make sure their coop is not too tightly insulated, as it can build up moisture (which is not good).
Thank you-I think we may have it too tight as there is quite a bit of frost build up on the door and windows (the door has a window in it).
If your coop is draft free and dry, they will be fine. You said its insulated too so as long as you can keep the wind and snow out....they will be fine. Remember they are equipped for the cold. They don't feel it like we do.
Just a thought not directed at you. But what did the pioneers do before electricity. Just wondering.
Thank you-I think we may have it too tight as there is quite a bit of frost build up on the door and windows (the door has a window in it).
Yes you do. You need more ventilation. Frost contains moisture the bane of frostbite. Open it up some more. Birds give off a lot of moisture breathing and pooping. DRY birds are warm birds. NO wet walls no frost inside.
We are having crazy cold here in Northern Wisconsin. I have 5 hens. They have a nice coop, insulated, ventilated. Today was -27 and it stayed 13 in there. They have a heated water dish and have still been laying. But we are supposed to have even colder temps, record-breaking, in the next week or two and I'm worried. I have a 72 watt light bulb in there that I have had running 24-7 because it throws off a little heat, but that's all I have for heat. I was just brainstorming and was wondering about putting in a Himalayan salt lamp overnight? That way it throws off a little heat but not a bright light so they can sleep. Sounds odd, I know! Open to any ideas. Thank you!

I use a K and H fireproof heating pad bought off Amazon in black and offers cord protection. I just secured mine with industrial Velcro to wall of coop and they do fine with it. You can also screw it in but then can’t take out in spring. Velcro holds it fine in place. No light on it.

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