*UPDATE # 1* My Free "Rare-Exotic" from MM

@rebrascora and @Frazzemrat1,

Alas, I have come to accept the she is a he. I was looking forward to the dark, dark eggs. But, he will be a beautiful boy and is welcome to stay as long as he behaves himself. I love the sound of roosters and have not yet grown tired of it.

Question though: I have one pretty dark egg layer. If my CM breeds with that hen (breed unknown), could the offspring have darker eggs than the mother hen? Or does that trait not pass from roo to chick? It would make sense to me that he would affect the overall outcome, including egg color, although that may not mean a darker egg.
The hatchery cuckoo Marans hen I had laid regular brown eggs. They weren't dark nor speckled. So, I wouldn't hold my breath that your guy has spectacular dark egg genes. The best way to get those, IMO, is from a breeder who breeds for egg color. They often have surplus males available.

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