Update: 26 Production Red Sex Linked Chicks(Pullets)

11 days old

(Ignore the couple black mutts that hatched about the same time these arrived lol)



Update on the chickies:

These chicks are almost 4 weeks old and with 30 of them they are creating quite a smell in the den. Soooo me and wifey stayed up late into the night one evening building a coop for them so we could move them outside.

We made it mostly from old materials and it turned out great. I installed two heat lamps and sectioned out over half of it for later so I could decrease the area needed to heat for now. The coop is about 4' x 7' but we are only using 4' x 3' at the moment. We will break out the cardboard divider as soon at the temps start to increase outside or they outgrow the smaller area. Forecast for this week is in the teens in the night and not warming up above freezing even during the day time. I knew raising these chicks in the winter would be a challenge so I shall not complain.

I am using one 250 watts heat lamp and one 125 watt lamp in a small 4’ x 3’ area to keep them warm. The inside temp on the wall of the coop is about 60deg but they can move closer to the heat lamp as needed. I have been watching them closely and they seem to be doing well in the new environment.

30 four week old chicks in the den of you house in not a pleasant smell and probably not very healthy for a family either.

I keep telling my wife we only have to build these coops one time but I always end up needing more for something. She gets frustrated with me but is generally a very good sport

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