Update 5/6/14!! 6 weeks old... Cockerels or pullets? Plus a mystery breed!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
So I bought these guys at the local feed bin, they were advertised as 90-95% female, what do you guys think they are? They are about 6 weeks old today. I have the opportunity to get a male dorking, but I definitely don't want him if these guys turn out to be males too.
Thanks guys!

Here is my Leghorn, he/she is an PIA, kinda aggressive and runs faster than a Roadrunner (the car not the bird). 2nd to get atop the brooder and likes to jump off and run everywhere. Has the longest tail feathers of the bunch.

Here is one of my RIR's, interesting markings behind both eyes.

I have no clue what this guy is, he/she was all black when I got it, now its getting some red/tan. First one to roost on top of the brooder. Very curious. Now turning a reddish brown. I've been told it is a black sex link? Comb is yellow with black tips. This one has the shortest tail feathers of the bunch.

Here is my other RIR, very docile and sweet. Please excuse my finger, I wasn't pointing, just trying to keep him/her in place. Comb is a little pink I think on the bottom. (i'm colorblind though).

This one is supposed to be an Americauna, I have been told it's actually an Easter Egger. I think it looks like a hawk. Has a flat wide comb, don't know if that means anything.

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So I bought these guys at the local feed bin, they were advertised as 90-95% female, what do you guys think they are? They are 4 weeks old today. I have the opportunity to get a male dorking, but I definitely don't want him if these guys turn out to be males too.
Thanks guys!

Here is my Leghorn, he/she is an PIA, kinda aggressive and runs faster than a Roadrunner (the car not the bird). 2nd to get atop the brooder and likes to jump off and run everywhere.


Here is one of my RIR's, interesting markings behind both eyes.

Looks cockerel

I have no clue what this guy is, he/she was all black when I got it, now its getting some red/tan. First one to roost on top of the brooder. Very curiou

Here is my other RIR, very docile and sweet.

This one is supposed to be an Americauna, I think it looks like a hawk., Trys to fly but can't, just hops around.

Easter Egger. Not sure on sex.
Your black one looks like a black sex link. I just recently found out that's what one of mine are after a month of not knowing. If it is, then it's a pullet.
So the comb on the leghorn hasn't grown, but has flopped over to the side, does that mean anything?
I'm not seeing anything screaming rooster about any of those birds. Post again around 6 weeks old--that's pretty much when you can say for sure (unless you have an uncommonly slow to mature cockerel).

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