UPDATE!caught on cam, coyote or fox or??? UPDATE w/ PIC Post #132!!!!!

Well, I say that because I have seen tons of coyotes in real life . . . . didn't need to google it. But I went ahead and did just what ya said, I googled "Ohio Coyotes" and right on the google search page, in the first four images, was a pic of a coyote with his tail held at nearly the same relative elevation of the coyote in the original image.


yup and if you look at the pic of OP and the pic you posted blurry or not the base of the tail where body tail and body join. on the yote there is a natural curve whick forces the tail to protrude downwards its how there built. in the blurry Image the point of the tail and the base do not protrude downwards. I photo shopped this image tried to dosome work with vegas studio to fix it a bit. Now i dont think its a fox or a yote I think OP has a stray dog or perhaps a hybrid. if there are wolves in Ohio it could very well be a red coyote which is a hybrid yote/wolf. Lets hope that OP can hopefully get a better picture. if you edit the photo you can almost see what appears to be floppy ears of a such.
Woodcutterron, the coyotes we have around here are not at all as pretty as the one in the pic. you posted. They are actually quite mangy-looking!
A bit off topic but--- I remember watching one of the late-night shows--either Leno or Letterman--and he was interviewing some female star. She was telling him how she saw this dog dodging traffic so stopped and, with some difficulty, coaxed it into her car's backseat. When she got it to the vet they told her it was a coyote.
A bit off topic but--- I remember watching one of the late-night shows--either Leno or Letterman--and he was interviewing some female star. She was telling him how she saw this dog dodging traffic so stopped and, with some difficulty, coaxed it into her car's backseat. When she got it to the vet they told her it was a coyote.

Love it!
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I'd be more inclined to agree that it is a dog than a coyote, given that there are probably no coydogs or hybrid coyotes in Ohio anymore.
It could definitely be a dog, the pic is pretty blurred, but clear enough to ascertain with a reasonably fair probabability it isn't a fox. It's clear enough to to see that the tail isn't completely visible too. The photo appears to have caught the critter toward the end of it spinning around to skedaddle. The tip of the tail is obscured by the angle of the camera and the curvature of the tail as the animal spun around. In the rapid spin the tail can not only appear shorter in 2 dimensions, but could also appear less "bushy" than it would appear if the animal had been static. This is quite a mystery, with many differing views, heheh. I hope ya get a clearer pic to solve the "Mystery of the Cloudy Critter!" We should form a pool! I'd be in for 3 blocks for 'coyote', 2 for "dog."
MM . . . . have you ever actually seen a Coyote? I have, lot's of em. Lot's and lots of'em actually.

I am from Okarche Oklahoma, Wheat belt capitol of the world. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090309175517AAKLz9a I am not sure where your going with this question you ask me but I live on 640 acres of wheat fields burmuda grass and good Oklahoma red dirt. Next few I shoot I guess I can pose for you in a pic with my T shirt on if you like. few pics of the homestead.
I think you get my point eh? I see more coyotes in one day of plowing the fields or working the combine or building terraces in one day then most people see in a lifetime. have you ever seen 100 hawks In one place at one time? I have How bout a flock of 300 eastern wild turkeys? been there done that. 45 deer mowing down one wheat field. Wasnt me
Aprox 2000 wild geese on a waterway? mhmm. any more questions?

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