Update: Chicks dying, falling over and can't get back up

Get a fresh bag of feed that is not medicated from a different source. Possible that a vitamin issue may be at play. Vitamins being off and kill very quickly, almost like a poison, if animal being fed is rapid growing.

Everyone now has very labored breathing. Their breathing was fine yesterday. They seem to have fluid on the lungs.

I watched one dying (almost dead now). It's definitely not flip over. Also, the mortality rate is way too high for flip over.

I have always used unmediated feed. I gave them a different brand today. I also changed the bedding.
The feeder and waterer are clean and were both cleaned before being used. In fact the entire brooder house was cleaned and had not had another flock in several months. None of my other flocks have had this problem, anyway. There are no other chickens on this land. My other flocks are in another pasture and have no problems. There have been no other animals in the brooder house. It is well sealed, but ventilated.

What are some things that can cause fluid on the lungs?
Bacteria in respiratory tract can cause fluid build up in lungs. Asphyxiation would cause rapid death. Other possibilities I am sure exist.

Edit to add virus and fungi.
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Labored breathing, well sealed. Are you sure it is not tooo hot in there? Do you have one cool end, so they can get out of the heat? My meaties were raised in warmer weather, but I had no heat at all on them, because they just could not take the heat.
I think you should contact the hatchery and see what they say. It could be something they came with.
I know a few years ago, alot of people's chicks were dying, it turned out to be from the hatchery. Call them. You have lost too many . Tell them.
I'm going to reduce the heat, but I'm afraid of making them cold and worsening the situation. I don't think being hot would cause fluid build-up, though. They're not panting; they're gasping.
I'm definitely calling Murray McMurray in the morning, but I'm afraid I won't have any chicks left. I started with 115 on Monday and I'm down to 75. Now everyone's looking very bad, not just a couple falling over.

Does anyone know anything I can do to try to keep them alive???

(thank you everyone for all of this help. You all are the closest I have to a vet around here.)
I'm going to reduce the heat, but I'm afraid of making them cold and worsening the situation. I don't think being hot would cause fluid build-up, though. They're not panting; they're gasping.
I'm definitely calling Murray McMurray in the morning, but I'm afraid I won't have any chicks left. I started with 115 on Monday and I'm down to 75. Now everyone's looking very bad, not just a couple falling over.

Does anyone know anything I can do to try to keep them alive???

(thank you everyone for all of this help. You all are the closest I have to a vet around here.)

I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do. I does seem to me that they came with something. Not the first time that's happened.

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