Update: crop surgery with graphic photos



Nov 20, 2018
I have two Orpingtons, a lavender and a buff. They give me some eggs but really they are just pets and I adore them. They are extremely bonded and my buff Orpington Regina has been sick the last week or so I’ve been trying to help her with ACV. Her poop is literally water with some green and she has lost so much weight, and her tail is hanging very low. I don’t know what I would do or her sister Valerie if we lost her. This is a picture of them in the summer very healthy! And advice would be greatly appreciated!


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I am feeding my sick chicken a mix of plain Greek yogurt, scrambled eggs and gamebird crumbles. When she slowed down on that I found that adding brightly colored bits of food-raspberries, papaya, red peppers-got her eating again. I also had to mix in applesauce because she wasn’t drinking either. Adding NutriDrench also recommended.
Her comb looks a bit paler than the summer picture. Have you checked for mites? Have a fecal run for internal parasites. The color change may be imaginary due to the different lighting but still look into those.
Thanks so much for replying!! She is eating a laying mash. She hasn’t laid an egg in quite a while she is very prone to being broody, she came out of her broodiness and I almost don’t think she has started laying yet. Her crop feels very mushy like there is quite a bit of liquid, I will check it first thing in the morning to see if it’s empty I don’t notice a smell coming from her beak. She is drinking quite a lot of water but she is not eating very much even when I give them some greens she’s not to excited.
Current picture please of her and her poop ... ACV won't help here, I'd stop for now.
Have you checked her crop in the morning & then in the evening?
What are you feeding?
Is she eating/drinking?
When was the last time she laid?

Here's a good link ...
How to treat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing witheat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing with

2x @azygous
Current picture please of her and her poop ... ACV won't help here, I'd stop for now.
Have you checked her crop in the morning & then in the evening?
What are you feeding?
Is she eating/drinking?
When was the last time she laid?

Here's a good link ...
How to treat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing witheat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing with

2x @azygous

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