UPDATE - Got im! - How to catch a duck that doesn't want to be caught?


16 Years
Feb 3, 2008
I have a duck that is being relocated to a new owner. (Well, not my duck, it belongs to my daughter's school and of their 6 ducks, this one has to go because it is the only male)

Anyway, the ducks are in a fenced area with a pond - not very big. But they aren't particularly social.

Does anyone have a plan for catching one of them? I was thinking a long pole with a net? I had heard of a pole with a hook to snag a chicken's foot, I'm assuming that would work with ducks as well?

Does anyone have any neat tricks up their sleeves to share?
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you can grab it by the neck. then wrap your arm around him like a hug, so you cover both wings. then he cant flap around and hurt himself. I usually dont grab the neck, i always just grab them by the back (cover the wings with your hands) and pick them up.

my ducks dont like being held but i pick them up anyways lol
I have used fishing nets to catch chickens that were in an enclosure, not as easy as it sounds though. What about going in at night? I'm not too familiar with ducks, but if they rest somewhere catch them while they snooze or feel safe to sit still. Like I said, I don't know ducks so I am sure I will be corrected.
it seems as though my ducks DONT sleep. lol. when i move chickens at night the ducks are always watching.....
they quack at me and try to give me away. lol my chickens and ducks are together. lol
The grabbing the neck part is what I think would be the hard part. They were hand raised babies, but don't get much human attention nowadays.

I may have to wander by at night and see if they are somewhere grabbable. At the very least, they may not be able to see as well and it may give me an advantage (why yes, I do have night sight goggles).
My eight year old and I can corral them into a corner. Go left when they go right and such. Once they are close enough I can reach them and pick them up while holding down their wings. They won't be real thrilled with it....but I try to hold them once and a while so that when they need to be caught (hurricane season) they aren't so freaked out.
If I were to try and catch mine that are on the pond, I would most likely need a large fishing net to stretch across. As soon as they are scared, they go right into the water. You can try corraling them, but they will probably go in the water. At night might be easier, but unlike chickens, they will wake up very easily at the first sign of danger, which is why yours are always quacking at you! You would probably have the best luck at night, with a net on a pole. Make sure to sneak up on them from behind, and for pete's sake, BE QUIET!!! They will go into the water if you spook them!! Let us know how it turns out. I'm thinking either a boat or swimming, but I'll keep my
for you!!
Have you tried a trail of corn....into a pen? Or even a trail of corn just to get them away from the pond area and then use a net? Let them go without food for a couple of days and tempt them with corn...always worked for us!

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