[UPDATE] Hurt Duck


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2019
Its been 2 mornings since the attack on my Honey. Shes calmed down and eating and drinking. The wound seems to be doing better, (i think) and shes walking and talking, when I set her down to clean her bin. I would like to clean the feathers around her neck and the wound some more, so I can see the wound better but was previously told to not to introduce water because it might create bacteria problems. I'm unsure whether to dress with gauze and bag balm and keep ointment on it or let it breathe and heal. Also a sort of milky white goop is coming from her left eye. All help is much appreciated


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I’m not the most experienced on caring for duck wounds, but here is another discussion from awhile back that’s is very similar;


Also, poultry will often pretend they are fine, because in the wild acting injured makes them a target for prey. I have been fooled before. ;)

Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide, than dress it with petroleum jelly and lightly bandage it.

Hope your little duck gets better!
Don’t use petroleum jelly it’s better to use triple antibiotic. Wash the wound with soapy water if you don’t have anything else or if you have betadine rinse it real good with that . Don’t let her around flies they will lay eggs in her wound and then you’ll be dealing with maggots.
I’m not the most experienced on caring for duck wounds, but here is another discussion from awhile back that’s is very similar;


Also, poultry will often pretend they are fine, because in the wild acting injured makes them a target for prey. I have been fooled before. ;)

Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide, than dress it with petroleum jelly and lightly bandage it.

Hope your little duck gets better!
Will do thanks for the help!
It’s amazing how they can heal so don’t give up on her. Hydrogen peroxide should only be used for initial wounds since it will harm healthy skin.

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