UPDATE!!! Krys and Henk are right again...

Say There, "WalksWithDog"......

Thet there rooster shore looks akin to a Devil Chicken wiff them "feathers a-stickin-up" on his old head there !!!

I 'spect my "game-chickens" would "tuck-their-tails" and RUN from that feller!


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Yer a nut old man but I like the way you think. All that group were named after alcholic drinks - he was black and white as a baby we named him Sheridan after Sheridan's black and white. Not sold in the US any more very very sad.

General Sherman fits him - he manages to somehow claim those devil delaware women away from the giant Delaware Roo.
Weren't thet Ole "Black & White" a Scotch ?

I've got a considerable amount o' thet there Scotch in me genetics, too!
(an a "wee-bit" in me kidneys.....)

Ha-Ha !

'cept fur them "horny feathers" on his head, thet there rooster reminds me some of my BIG Black "Sex-Link" hens with the coloring. (They're just old enuf to start laying on about Halloween....I reckon. (Seems appropriate, sumhow)

HAVE FUN there in them there Eastern Tennessee mountings !!!


I'll be breeding him to a split pen of bantam birchen cochins and a blue or black Sizzles. Then taking the daughters from that group back to him. Then getting the ones that have his "birchen" pattern in Gold, not Silver, and using the best boys and best girls to get a totally gold birchen generation.

Once I have the color set it will be time to breed back to silkies because his comb and face should be BLACK not red, and walnut, not single comb. Then uphill from there with his progeny.

Fortunately I already hatched some great silkies for the project from Cjexotic and they are over three months now. By spring I'll have old enough bantam cochin pullets, some fifth generation Sizzles and the Silkies to get going with, all old enough to lay.

LOL complicated enough for you? I find it fun.

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