Update- Measurements Needed


Oct 16, 2020
My month chick was attacked by a ferret two days ago. She won’t eat or drink on her own. I’m going to get baby food for her but how many ml do I give at a time? Home many times a day? I’m giving her water every hour but again, how many ml at a time and how many times a day?

I gave her some yogurt thinned with a little unsweetened apple juice. Egg can’t be mashed enough to go through my syringe.

The little gal pulled through. I couldn’t get the supplies Eggcesive suggested so I went and got turkey vegetable baby food and watered it down to go through the syringe. It’s been 5 days now of giving tiny bits of water and food every hour by day and letting her sleep at night. I’d run down and start the process at 5:30 am, each time hoping she’d be better.
Last night she ate willingly from a spoon and today a dish.
She can’t stand yet but is sitting up (as opposed to flopping on her side). We’re doing exercises now to help with standing.
Sorry I have never had to force feed a chick but your success and info helps us all. In force feeding adults I have always gone by the thought that at least they ate something.... good luck with your chick.
The little gal pulled through. I couldn’t get the supplies Eggcesive suggested so I went and got turkey vegetable baby food and watered it down to go through the syringe. It’s been 5 days now of giving tiny bits of water and food every hour by day and letting her sleep at night. I’d run down and start the process at 5:30 am, each time hoping she’d be better.
Last night she ate willingly from a spoon and today a dish.
She can’t stand yet but is sitting up (as opposed to flopping on her side). We’re doing exercises now to help with standing.
Congrats! I had to euthanize a chick, I sobbed and sobbed, and then of course guiltily kept thinking maybe she could have recovered. I’m sure I did the right thing, but, you’re lucky you don’t have that lingering doubt that I do..I’m so happy for you!

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