**UPDATE**New hatch on Sunday. Can ship on Monday. LOOK

Country Living Farm

10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Please do not hit the BIN button as I will change the add as stock goes down.

I have a hatch coming up on Sunday and they will be reado to ship out on Monday. I have only several Blue Marans (blue hens with BCM rooster. Chicks are black and blue), lots of frizzles (NN, standard and EE). I think I have 3-4 cochin eggs as well..

Taking orders based on PM's

I also have chicks that have to be shipped Express (1-2days) overnight.

If you PM me your zip I will let you know a price. I am thiking shipping for overnight would be around 20-30 for up to 25 chicks or what I can safely put in the box. The box is for 25 chicks. I am NPIP tested as well (58-1409-E)

I have

Cochin's ...............................................5.00 each
Blue Marans..........................................5.00 each ( I have few that are blue and some are black)
Black Copper Marans.............................Sold out
Frizzled Easter Eggers...........................Sold Out
Naked Neck Frizzles..............................3.50 each ( I have about 10 left)
Standard Frizzles .................................3.00 each ) I have about 6 left)
Americauna's (Blue Egg Layers) ...........Sold out ( I have a few chicks that are yellow so should be white when grown)

Min order is 6 chicks as I need to have at least 6 so they can stay warm during the trip.

I would like to ship some out on Monday if possible. If you are waiting BCM, I have a hatch coming up. PM me and I can put you on a waiting list.

I can also start a waiting list for the above as well if you can not take any right now.
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No offense, but I don't think you can ship them older than a day but younger than 4 or 6 weeks? I could be wrong, but I believe that's what it has to be.
You can. They have to go overnight-express 1-2 day mail. Just put grogel with them and they are good to go. This might be my last shipping though. The weather is getting colder and I do not want to see the chicks harmed.
Are the cochins standard or bantam and what colors? What breed are the frizzles and what colors? Where are you in Florida, maybe I could pick them up?

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