Update on Faith & Sunshine - update post #55... Phoenix is gone :((

What we don't do for the love of birds...

If these two EE's pull out healthy in the end, they should make a lovely pair that I can *hopefully* hatch eggs from and get more EE's, this time healthy from the get-go!

Hey Technodoll! I was just thinking about you and your new "girls" today. And lo and behold! An update!
Sorry to hear that things are taking a little bit of a turn for the worse, but it sounds like you're on top of it. I just hope that you caught all of these less evident problems before it spread to your other birds. That would just be adding insult to injury. And oh how I wish you could shut that so called breeder down! That fidiot doesn't deserve all of those beautiful birds if this is any indication of how he takes care of them!

Please keep us posted on Phoenix and Sunshine's progress! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that all of your hard work and dedicated care will pay off in a few weeks!
Best of luck with them! And yes! We really must have pictures!
Phoenix/Sunshine updates! Yay! My life blew up again (It's been doing that a lot lately)
last week just after you posted about Sunshine's sprain, Technodoll. I haven't had time to log on here and read much or post since then but I've been wondering about how your rescued friends have been doing.

Possumqueen posted here about what happened after she brought her chickens indoors from a cold environment and then returned them outdoors. I know next to nothing about chickens, but would it be a good idea to just keep them inside until spring? I hope someone with more experience with this posts something about it.

The health of these sweeties has been a constant issue for you, but you've made such a difference for them. Thank goodness they're with someone who values them instead of that horrible excuse for a breeder! Whatever happens to them, however long they live, at least they've known the touch of a caring hand and the sound of a loving voice. Their lives would be very grim indeed without you.

Sunshine is getting so much cuter, even if she is a good candidate for Miss Chernobyl 1986! I can't wait to see new pics! And seeing these birds live in your care is so good for the rest of us. Thank you for the post, Technodoll.
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Here's a little video I took this morning...

Phoenix had to learn to walk again, he's still quite weak but is recuperating nicely after the Piperazine treatment.

Feathers finally growing in.

He is soooo sweet!

Sunshine is most likely a cockerel, too... Sigh. I'm just so lucky that way

He's recuperating from pneumonia and will be in the house for another week or so.

Looking forward to getting a break from the hen hospital, LOL!
Hey TD!! They're both looking a heck of a lot better than when you brought them home. Sweet video! I know it's tough now to take care of sick little birds, especially in the middle of winter. But, down the road a few months from now, it will all be so very, very worth the effort I'm sure! Even if both of them do turn out to be roo's. After all of this, I think it would be safe to consider each of them to be exceptionally tough little guys. Weaker birds would have perished in all likelihood.
And even if you can't or don't want to keep them, they'll be excellent bargaining chips for what you do want!

Best of luck on their continued improvement. I'll be cheering for them all the way!
Awe thank you!

Yes it's rough right now but you are right, they ARE tough little ones and they have a forever home here, whether they are boys or girls.

They are just so sweet and I've put so much into them, you know?

We'll just have to find a way to make it work

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