Update on Faith & Sunshine - update post #55... Phoenix is gone :((


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Quebec, Canada
For those who read about the two little mangled EE's that I brought home on Nov 17th (barely two weeks ago), this is what good food and lots of TLC will do!

First, Sunshine who had crusty eyes...


Found out her head was full of lice and nits! GROSS! They were feeding on her eyes and infection set in, then horrible swelling...


I dusted her twice and put her on antibiotics, kept her in the house for 10 days.

Here she is now, all spit and vinegar, feathers growing in all shiny! I think she's about 14 to 15 weeks now, hard to tell...


And then little Faith, who wasn't more than a small handful of naked, shivering skin and bones:


The j3rk who sold her to me said she was 12 weeks old - yeah riiiight! she's barely 10 weeks old right now, with her adult feathers finally starting to fill in - she's covered in little pin feathers all over, sooo cute! After access to quality protein-rich food (she was also on antibiotics), warmth and lots of TLC, she's coming along nicely. I doubt she'll ever be big but she's terribly sweet and grateful for anything you give her... she has my heart.


Will post more updates as the "chemo girl" starts to look more like the beautiful hen I know she will turn out to be!
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Bless your giving heart to give those girls a chance and open your heart.
The "after" shots look so promising!

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