Update on Faith & Sunshine - update post #55... Phoenix is gone :((

You have no idea how much it just makes my heart soar to hear that!
I know now that after all is said and done, after all of the horror they have been through, they will never have to face that ever again! You are such a blessing to these little guys. Thank you Technodoll, for finding the room in your heart for little guys/girls that lesser beings (like that poor excuse for a human being, a.k.a The Breeder) might have put down without a second thought.

I hope they know just how lucky they are! Someone once said that "Rescued animals always seem to know that they are a life that was spared and saved. And they don't hesitate to return the favor". Something tells me that these two little chicks won't let you down!
Keep up the good work TD, and I'll keep the good Karma thoughts coming!
I'm looking to place a complaint with the animal protection services (agricultural field) against this individual, he is knowingly selling sick animals by the truckload to unsuspecting customers and can be fined for this. I want his place inspected because for sure, he will NOT pass health ratings.

I can't stand to see ANY animal suffer

On a more positive note, Happy holidays, everyone!

ATTA GIRL!!! Sick 'em!!! I hope you get him completely shut down! How many birds do you figure he is torturing out there?

I'm glad you got pictures of these two from day one. It's visual evidence of the abuse these poor babies have had to endure. I fear for how many others will not receive help in time. Every day, every minute for them could be the difference between life and death, literally!

Yes! Happy Holidays! Let's keep positive thoughts going! Here's to you and your new babies having a wonderful and successful New Year!
I agree with reporting him and using your first pics of your sweethearts as evidence. "Before" and "after" pics might be really effective. They would put, upfront and center, what the right kind of care can do for animals. I hope you have him investigated and he's either helped (if he needs it) or shut down.

I'm not trying to take his side, but a woman in my city was found to have a house full of 50 indoor cats all in various stages of starvation and living in filth. The cat urine in her house had gotten so bad it warped her hardwood floors. The newspapers carried the story and we were all outraged. It turned out, however, that she had been running a legitimate rescue shelter. Then she lost her job, lost her medical insurance and was diagnosed with cancer, all within three months. She got overwhelmed with caring for the animals. She couldn't find the energy care for them, track down appropriate shelter for them and also do her chemo therapy and radiation treatments. Bringing them all in the house was the best she could come up with at the time. It turned out that she died just a few months after the police had been called. The worst she could really be accused of was not reaching out for help effectively enough. In the end we all felt so badly for her.

But if this guy has been selling sick birds to others, that's something entirely different. Can you get in contact with some of his other customers?

I might not be able to watch the video because I'm on dialup (so slow it makes you want to get out and PUSH), but I'm looking forward to seeing Phoenix and Sunshine when they're glorious roosters! ETA: I watched it!
They are so sweet! Hehe. I love the way Phoenix looks back from between his legs. It looks like Sunshine tries to pick on Phoenix, so maybe he's not feeling deathly ill? I sure hope so.
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Uh...I loved that video so much I couldn't resist... Please excuse the icky photo editing. I'm on Paint.net and I'm trying to cobble together Photoshop-like effects from among the HUNDREDS of plugins available. And Paint.net doesn't use the pre-multiplied alpha channel that Photoshop does. Le sigh.




Hehehe! Okay, now that that's out of my system, I have to say that Sunshine really is becoming very handsome. I love Ameraucana beards and muffs. And his cream-tipped brown feathers are so striking!
Um...I know I'm posting WAAAY to much on this thread, but after seeing your bathroom I had a few more nutty ideas about chicken odor. I keep my two cats' litter box in the bathroom. I use a clumping, flushable, corn-based litter in it and every time I use the bathroom, I scoop out whatever's in the box and everything gets flushed together. I wonder if that litter would work for you in the bottom of the chicken cages? The litter is called World's Best Cat Litter and I get it at my local feedstore but Petsmart carries 18 lbs for $17.00. It's more expensive than clay-based litter, but it doesn't stink as badly as the clay. I find it lasts longer. Since chickens don't urinate, per se, it might last even longer for you than it does for me. The only down sides I see are the cost and possibly the chickens eating the litter.

The other idea was to use sheets of newspaper on the bottom of their cages. Maybe a stash of plastic grocery bags could be tucked away in a cabinet or drawer in the bathroom. When someone uses the bathroom they could check the cage. If the top sheet needs to come out, it could be balled up and put in a plastic bag and hung on an outside doorknob (garage or back door) until someone's ready to take it out to the trash.

Oh, and I am the Lazy Butt Diva. So I use the hose on my Dyson daily to clean the litter off the bathroom floor. Being true to my laziness calling, I keep it convenient to the bathroom (pssst! in the corner of the hall), covered with a decorative shawl.

I can certainly understand how running a hen hospital would get old fast, though. You and your DH are like the people who run Best Friends Animal Sanctuary near Kanab Utah. I hope Sunshine and Phoenix appreciate how wonderful he is. I can't wait to see them as strapping roos!
Thanks everyone!

The smell, well I'm used to it by now I guess...

I use about a roll of paper towels A DAY cleaning everything up and now that there will be no chicks born, I will put broody mama hen back in the coop and put Sunshine in the big dog crate, which will greatly reduce the mess and the smell as I can put wood shavings in there.

Such is life...

You think you're getting girls, but you get boys.

You think you're getting healthy birds, but they turn out sick.

You think you're getting chicks for christmas after a month of waiting, and you get nothing.

Hard to maintain the holiday spirit, I tell you...
Hang in there TD! 2010 is coming soon, and it just has to be a better year!

***Ingrid...you totally crack me up!!
Loved the picture captions as well as the bathroom advice!

edited on account of I can't spell worth diddly tonight!
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I forgot to THANK YOU for those hilarious captions, you really have a great talent for capturing the moment there!

And you made me smile for the first and only time today with that... so Thank You!


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