Update on Faith & Sunshine - update post #55... Phoenix is gone :((

Update on little Phoenix... he wouldn't stand for the photo as he was scared to be perched up high, LOL!


Sure has come a long way since Nov 17th... and still a long way to go.

Oh WOW!!!
Phoenix is looking GREAT!! How about pictures of Sunshine too? Yup! He has certainly come a looooong way from when you first got them, but I don't think they have all that much further to go to get caught up. You're doing a great job on getting them both back up to snuff!
Wishing you continued success with these two. Keep the updates coming! I love seeing their progress.
Sunshine's not doing so well, he's been in the house for over 2 weeks now on various antibiotics fighting a bronchitis or pneumonia, I don't quite know.

One more med to try later this week.

I had planned to end his suffering last Saturday but at the last moment I just couldn't go through with it...

He's a good boy and will hopefully pull through, grow in some new shiny feathers and then I'll take lots of pics.

Oh dear....I hadn't heard that Sunshine took a turn for the worse.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed
that he will make a quick turn around for the better. Poor little guy. But take comfort in the knowledge, that even if he doesn't make it, you've given him many more weeks/months than he would have had, had he stayed with that horrible breeder! And in much better conditions surely!

Sadly, we can't control the bad care that others give to their chickens. And we can't rescue all of them. But when opportunity gives us the chance to make things better for even one animal, then Kudos to those who answer the call! Thank you again for taking on these two poor abused little souls Technodoll! Somewhere, St. Francis is nodding his approval, as am I!
My very special and very sweet baby Phoenix passed away in my arms this afternoon, his liver finally gave up...

I knew he wouldn't be with us for long but I wasn't ready to lose him this soon.

It's always too soon.

I'm shattered and cannot stop crying, it's like a piece of me is gone.

I loved him beyond words.

Fly free, my little angel... You are pain-free now.

Always loved and never forgotten...

Oh TD!! I'm so very sorry to hear this! He was such a sweet little man, and had flourished so well under your devoted care of him and Sunshine both! I truly hope that you can take some comfort and consolation in the knowledge that you made the last 6 months of his life the very best that it could be. And that not all humans are bad! That some of us genuinely care about their welfare and happiness. Because of you, Phoenix got to see the good side of life. He never would have known that had he stayed with that rotten so called breeder. And I have no doubts what so ever that he and Sunshine would not even have made it past the month of December had they stayed at that facility. You gave him far more and far better quality of life than he would have received in that other place.

I hope you'll keep a couple of his tail sickle feathers before you lay him to rest. Sometimes, just having that small little bit of our beloved boys helps to lessen the blow of their passing. For they really do leave behind a huge hole for such a small creature when they depart this world.
Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Phoenix was beautiful. It sounds like he had less than a perfect start in life, but your kindness and love made up for that and then some. Good for you for taking such good care of him and letting him experience the kind of life every chicken should have. People like you make the world a better place, for humans and animals alike. Rest in peace, little one.

ATTA GIRL!!! Sick 'em!!! I hope you get him completely shut down! How many birds do you figure he is torturing out there?

I'm glad you got pictures of these two from day one. It's visual evidence of the abuse these poor babies have had to endure. I fear for how many others will not receive help in time. Every day, every minute for them could be the difference between life and death, literally!

Yes! Happy Holidays! Let's keep positive thoughts going! Here's to you and your new babies having a wonderful and successful New Year!

BTW I did post this news in another thread... but in case you missed it, that b@stid owner of the chicken mill did get shut down last spring - i only found this news out a couple of weeks ago and it made my day. He was forced to sell all his birds and equipment and is no longer breeding or selling animals. Phoenix's life was not in vain, it is because of him (and Sunshine) that I made that call to the government... They made a difference, they helped save thousands of birds from abuse, cruelty and misery. I miss my boy soooo much already.... My eyes are like dried cranberries from sobbing
God bless you for your kindness! Phoenix was a very appropriate name for him...as he may be gone but will always return...if only in your memories of his time with you and his mission to save so many others through you.

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