Update on GROUNDS Coffee Ground Bedding for your coop!

No one answers if coffee grounds are really safe.
Actually it was answered several times.....it is safe.

Will my chickens be hyper from caffeine or does it dissipate with time?
These grounds are 'spent', already used to make coffee to drink, so the caffeine is gone.

This post is from an article on this site:
1. Caffeine
Please post a link to this article?
Drinking brewed coffee or tea is not the same as nibbling a few spent grounds.
I was assuming they would be like grass clippings--green or brown depending on fresh vs. dry. I haven't actually looked them up, though.
We shred all of our junk mail & envelopes etc ......empty shredder basket into compost tumbler whenever it’s full . That seems to keep a good balance with all the wet household leftovers going in basically a few times a week .
Excellent ideas! I always spread coffee grounds in my compost bins or my raised beds but never thought about it for the coop.

Anything to help the smell!!

PS I grow a ton of Basil and tossing some Basil sprigs into the coop is always a welcome event for the girls!
Oh cool ! I grow basil and it smells wonderful & I bet the girls would eat it too !!
Can you give us update on your coffee grounds? Do you use them on the coop floor and poop board or?? How has it been going? Do you still dry out the grounds or put them in the coop as is? I am using wood flakes on the floor and PDZ on the poop board right now and am content with it for deep litter method but will be cleaning out the coop in a few months to prepare for winter. The idea of the smell of coffee grounds is very attractive. Do you think I could mix some in with the PDZ as I clean that just about every day?
Oh cool ! I grow basil and it smells wonderful & I bet the girls would eat it too !!
IMG_2168 (002).jpg
Can you give us update on your coffee grounds? Do you use them on the coop floor and poop board or?? How has it been going? Do you still dry out the grounds or put them in the coop as is? I am using wood flakes on the floor and PDZ on the poop board right now and am content with it for deep litter method but will be cleaning out the coop in a few months to prepare for winter. The idea of the smell of coffee grounds is very attractive. Do you think I could mix some in with the PDZ as I clean that just about every day?

Hey there. Currently I do not use them on the poop board as I'm working my way through a bag of sweet PDZ. I'm not thrilled with the sweet PDZ because it is very dusty so in the future I'd like to either eliminate the board or switch to coffee grounds on it. The coffee is not dusty, even after five months. I don't see the need to mix PDZ with it as I scoop the coffee on the coop floor daily, and it's still odor-free. I think the coffee smell may have faded a bit over time too, or at least I've gotten used to it. I do not put them in the nesting boxes either; I still use pine shavings. I dry the grounds first. My first batch of Starbucks coffee was dried in my greenhouse (we've had a drought for weeks and all of a sudden it's rained every day for the last four. This morning it seemed like it would be dry enough to add tonight. You wouldn't want to add them wet because they are considered a "green" material in terms of composting and could mold.

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