UPDATE on my Nursing Career.....

Elite Silkies

10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I DID IT.............
I'm attending Southeastern Oklahoma State University!! My first week has been exhausting, but I'm getting the hang of it. It's pretty tough managing College, kids, 100+ birds, the house and so on.

I do miss being on BYC 24/7, lol. But, I do get to check in from time to time.

I had to take Zero Level Algebra
because I suck! But, I have surprised myself, I have a 94 average so far. I guess the difference is I want to learn it now and in High School I had the attitude of why do I need it?

I keep debating on selling most of my birds or not, I just can't make up my mind. Some days I want to and some days I don't. Mondays, I really want to sell them (I'm in class until 8 pm).
Congrats, that's awesome! My sister is a nurse practitioner and works in an oncology clinic. She really loves it.

Do they have Minus 50 Level Algebra? Because that would be the one I would have to take.
Well, not sure how low it goes, but I'm in Elementary Algebra
Depends on how the next 4 years goes, but I am considering getting my ARNP also.

I think I'm going to Specialize in Pediatrics.......
Yeah, I'm trying to declutter the house now, so that it's much easier to tend to, and debating on selling some birds, or rather alot of birds. Just haven't brought myself to do it just yet.

I have to take all of my Gen Ed's first, so I still have some time before Clinicals and it gets really crazy. I'm hoping anyway.

Did you not like Nursing?

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