update on :rescue turkey eggs.


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
OK Experts.. Need your help! 11 eggs.
I still have viable eggs... some have movement on one day, not the next, then again the next. Not sure how that works. I think we are about 15 days... but some seem more developed than others. Tonight I think one has an internal pip, where the others seem less advanced.. smaller..
Can they all be at different stages, and how can I help the one that has an internal pip with moisture without negatively affecting the others? Remember, these are in the laundry tub with a shop light warming them. The middle eggs seem to get warmer from the directness of the bulb than the outer eggs, but they all seem to be thriving... except one. I am sure one is not viable.
I hate to get this close and then fail.
Any instruction you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Lisa
Some eggs will hatch "early" while some hatch "late", so to speak, and with some eggs falling somewhere in between. If the other eggs look viable, then it's likely that the birds inside aren't quite ready for that pipping step. It is quite possible that the reduction in heat is affecting the timing of the outer eggs, but as long as the eggs are still viable, I would not be too concerned. It just might take an extra day or so, and if other poults hatch in that time, then you can move the other eggs closer to the center of the tub.

If you are concerned about moisture (as maintaining humidity must be next to impossible), I would try sprinkling room temperature water on the eggs. A handful of drops should be fine as long as the water stays away from any cracks the poult is making.

Best of luck!
Oh that sounds like a great idea. I could identify the advanced egg(s) and just apply moisture to them... You know.. I have them on a mini muffin pan with a thin towel over it then with the eggs nested over each cup.. not in it. I could possibly add the moisture under the cup of the more advanced eggs? Thank you for the help. Lisa
Also, I can relocate the more advanced eggs to the outer perimeter of the light beam which is a little cooler, then add the water to the cup underneath. And then I will bring the less advanced eggs into the center warmer and keep them drier. This will create the drop in temperature, plus the increase in moisture that I read about for the last 5 days of incubation just for those eggs. This is so cool. Thank you for the nudge in the right direction. Lisa

Hello again. Day 17-20... (I think)I thought the eggs should be able to rock a little when chick moved so I placed on a smoother surface. I removed the 11th as I didn't want it to explode... it had an external crack that I had tried to protect with wax, but chick stopped developing at that point 2 wks ago. Right now it is 100 where the probe sits. I have been putting droplets on the more advanced eggs. I think by Wed. I should start to decrease temp a little? I thought I could get a little spray bottle to mist? Any suggestions are welcomed. Until 2 weeks ago, I only thought turkey on the holidays...Thank you

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