Update on rosecomb bantam, would like some advice


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2021
So, since my last post about my little rosecomb bantam (geez why does she have so many health issues...)

What happened was that somewhat a week ago now she started choking on a corn kernel(or so I thought) and went into shock for a moment.

And on Saturday she fell from my hands when I went to check on her and she went in shock for a moment.

Now yet again, as I was just eating some food outside and she came to try and nab a bite off my plate(and since it's salty dinner I don't want her to eat it), she jumped on my leg so I gently held her underneath her wings and put her on the ground.

Suddenly she lost her balance and I could see her little legs wiggle, she fell down gently and rolled over on her back, shockingly similar to when we thought she was choking last week. I gently grabbed her and put her on my leg and tried to get her to stand gently and she was softly breathing with her mouth open, only to suddenly go back to normal and pretend like nothing happened again.

At this point honestly I really don't even know what to think and I'm obviously worried as this might now be the third time she went into shock like this and with bird flu still going around actively (at least in my country)
I'm starting to think she might've caught it what with her compromised immunity in the past as well.

My other hens haven't seemed to show any signs of the flu besides an occasional sneeze but I'm not sure quite how long it can take for symptoms to start appearing either.

Right now my rosecomb is inside with me sleeping like she hasn't slept in days on my chest as I'm writing this and I'm just stumped at this point. I'm obviously going to see my vet for assistance in this because this is well above my knowledge, but any advice in the comments would be immensely appreciated.

Also sorry for making my posts so long every time I just don't wanna leave out any details.
Yes, it would help us to see what this looks like when she goes into "shock", although I don't believe this is shock. Is she losing consciousness when she has one of these spells? Does she seem to have a seizure, flapping wings and falling over on her side?

It's impossible for us to figure out what's wrong with your chicken by what you've told us so far, and seeing a video would be a huge help. Or we will just fire a bunch of guesses at you and risk none of them even coming close to helping.
I only just now saw all the comments because for some reason I wasn't getting notifs but thanks for all your advice!

Today my sister found a tiny little egg which was slightly see through inside the chicken coop and we're thinking it's almost definitely hers as she was acting a bit egg-layish yesterday.

This made me think it might actually be a food thing since transparent egg shells are caused by a calcium deficiency and leads me to believe it might actually be a vitamine deficiency too.

I'll try and record as much as possible in case she falls over again and I'll probably be taking her to the vet if all else fails. Quick question though, if I have any updates to tell should I make a new post or comment on this one?
Please update this thread. Shell-less eggs are more common in young birds who just began to lay, less common as they age. Dietary imbalances (feeding chickens I do know a few things about) tend to affect the while flock to greater or lesser degree. Now, there are some dietary treatments @azygous or @Eggcessive might recommend for a single hen involving calcium citrate (I don't know the dosage) if the bird does has a calcium deficiency, but the main symptom you noted is not consistent with other reports of birds laying "shell-less" eggs - which is why I still suspect something else is likely going on, that this is (at most) a symptom.

But I merely speculate, without knowledge or experience. I could be COMPLETELY wrong.

A video of the bird losing its balance and falling over/passing out might be helpful. I assume you've checked its vent for evidence is discharge that might indicate internal infection, and checked the comp to ensure it has good color - no purple or pale black indicating a lack of blood flow?
Please update this thread. Shell-less eggs are more common in young birds who just began to lay, less common as they age. Dietary imbalances (feeding chickens I do know a few things about) tend to affect the while flock to greater or lesser degree. Now, there are some dietary treatments @azygous or @Eggcessive might recommend for a single hen involving calcium citrate (I don't know the dosage) if the bird does has a calcium deficiency, but the main symptom you noted is not consistent with other reports of birds laying "shell-less" eggs - which is why I still suspect something else is likely going on, that this is (at most) a symptom.

But I merely speculate, without knowledge or experience. I could be COMPLETELY wrong.

A video of the bird losing its balance and falling over/passing out might be helpful. I assume you've checked its vent for evidence is discharge that might indicate internal infection, and checked the comp to ensure it has good color - no purple or pale black indicating a lack of blood flow?
Yep I'm definitely gonna try to get a video of her falling down so I'll be having my phone on standby, I did check the discharge in the coop to see if there was anything strange but couldn't find anything and the comb color has been consistent for the most part aside from that she normally has a couple black spots on top which recently turned more brown and I couldn't find much on that online either, but no purple or pale black colour at the very least.

I'll be updating this post as I have updates to add.

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