UPDATE PAGE 3 : EMERGENCY : Hen with possible heat stroke

Poor baby. I went out today and put an old bird bath top in the pen and put water in it. Tomorrow when I leave I will put a frozen water bottle in it to see if that will help. I also wet a patch of the sand in the pen so that is a little cooler. Good luck with the girl!
She is doing better. Very wobbly on her feet still though. She is sitting up with my help. She did drink, with my help, but lifted her head herself after taking a sip.

This looks better than the 1st picture I posted earlier.

Thinking about her and sending lots of good wishes. It looks promising. It took a lot out of her and infirmary time is just what she needs........
She had maneuvered her way close by the food and water and is eating and drinking on her own. Still can't get up on her feet though. Her feet felt hot this morning so I have the fan back on.
I saw many people mentioned electrolytes already. You may also give her some Polyvisol without iron (liquid vitamin drops labeled for infants you can get at the drug store) to give her a vitamin boost that may help give her a little more energy to recover.

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