UPDATE: Please confirm AUDREY'S gender page 6 (9/21/11 post)

You first posted pictures of these birds 9 weeks ago. If they're 13-14 weeks old now, they were only 4-5 weeks old when you got them. That's still too young to tell for certain their sex. Often you can make a pretty good guess at that age, but really can't know for sure. And that white chick had a rather pink comb even at that age, I wouldn't have said pullet, I'd have said wait-and-see.

I've hatched chicks that made me say "rooster" almost the minute they strutted out of their eggshells, and also had beefy young pullets that kept me waiting for them to crow until they laid their first eggs. Some are much easier to identify than others. There's only so much folks can tell from pictures posted online, you will want to learn what to look for yourself.

At around 3-5 weeks many cockerel chicks will develop combs that are a bit larger & pinky-redder than the pullet chicks. By 6-8 weeks many of them will also begin to sprout little wattle-buds under their chins. Between 9-12 weeks you can part the feathers at the backs of their necks and at the base of their tails and see the little pointy feathers beginning to emerge. They may begin to crow as young as 8-10 weeks, but most will start a bit later. After 12 weeks most will start showing shiny iridescent feathers in their tails. The long curved tail feathers come in around 15-17 weeks. The spurs may not grow much until after 6 months or more. Pullets also show little spur bumps.

There is a lot of room for error. Not all chickens mature at the same rate. The more time I've spent observing chickens at all different ages the easier it is for me to correctly guess their sex. Still, the younger they are the less certain you can be about your guess.
I clarified that (either here or in my other thread under Managing your Flock). They were hatched 6/11/11 so they are now 15 weeks old. They were 6 weeks old when I first asked and 11-12 weeks old the second time I asked (that was on a different thread somewhere).

Anyway, not blaming anyone. I was just under the impression that it WAS possible to tell that early, esp. as everyone said the same thing! So I felt pretty confident. I already have one hard to handle and one impossible to handle hen, so I wanted chickens I could actually handle--only way to do that is to get them young, as older ones (unless raised by someone like me) have generally never been handled much at all. Hence the younger set.
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Now I'm getting really paranoid, LOL. Just wanted to make SURE that Audrey is still a pullet!! She looks like one to me, but please put my mind at ease.





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