UPDATE!!! Please Help! Twisting backward neck....URGENT!!!! PLEASE!!

She is still improving.
She will still twist 1 or 2 times, especially if I pick her up or stress her out in anyway, but it is much more controlled.
Good job - sounds like she is improving. I would continue with the vitamins for at least a week after she gets better. Also, add more protein and vitamin-rich foods to her diet - lots of greens for example.
You'll have those - just keep up the TLC. She'll need at least a week, maybe two to seem "fine" again but keep up the vitamins for another week after that.

Are you feeding her scrambled egg, shredded cheese, diced up greens (collards, spinach)? All very good for her and rich in natural vitamins. I also feed diced up lunch meats. Chickens are omnivores and will eat anything that doesn't eat them. They love the innards of just about anything - even other chickens being cleaned/processed. The blood and meat is good for them. So you can even dice up some raw liver.

Chickens in the natural catch and eat anything they can. I've seen mine catch and eat mice and we all know they will eat one another alive if they get too protein deprived.

So why do some do o.k. on commercial feed and others develop wry/twisted neck? I'm not sure but I know that commercial feed was developed to keep commercial chickens alive for a few short months - not for a long quality of life.
Oh geez. now there was some blood in the stool. Some poops were big, plentiful and normal. Others were tiny with little drops of blood in it. She is still suffering from wry neck, slightly better than day one but less than the other 3 days. What about novo-doxylin? I have some here, maybe this is bacterial?
Nobody replied, so I gave her about 1 tenth of a capsule of the novo doxalin.... just a tiny sprinkle of powder.
This morning, I gave her vitamin booster water that has amoxillin in it.
Today, at supper time, she seems fine. no bloody stool, standing tall.
I tried to get prenisone from a vet but they refused "without seeing the animal". I just can't go the $100 + route, even though she is a sweet little hen.
Anyways, I did get a vit b that has c in it, I will give her a bit of that tonight. Do you think I should consider the novo doxalin anymore? Think it helped? I have read that some bacterial infections can cause this spasm, wry neck thing.
I don't know what the novo doxalin is but blood in stool is usually an indication of Cocci. I use Sulmet but others use different meds for treating.
Thanks Ruth, but I am doubting cocci. I had a chick a while back that I suspected cocci.... all puffed up in the corner, and it was just a little bit of blood. I seen the poop images on here and I guess they shed their something or other about once a week..... so maybe it is ok, no blood today.
OHH, OHH! I just checked on her again, still no blood, no spasms at all!!!!!! It is 8 pm. This is much better than other evenings, always seemed to bother her in the evening.
Not sure what concoction I will come up with for special dinner.... maybe egg, vit e, selenium, vit b and a little sprinkle of the novo doxylin. I have given just one dose and coincidence or not, she seems better now.
Sounds like that it was after you gave the novo-doxylin (tetracycline) and amoxicillin that she got better. I would consider continuing on them. Amoxicillin should cover a whole slew of different bacterias. Tetracycline would cover additional others. I speaking from the human infection perspective.

You have nothing to lose by continuing whatever you are doing. Just don't overdose (i.e. read instructions of meds for chickens).

Please keep us apprised. Good luck....
OH my gosh, tonight I went into the coop and found one of my male d'uccles doing the exact thing as in those videos. This thread gives me hope! Poor little guy, only half grown. He went to take a drink in the water cup and spasmed and got his whole beak underwater including his nostrils! Now he'll probably die of drowning if not the wry neck. He's trying to rub his beak in the shavings to 'dry it off'. He is loving the scrambled egg, and I've got the polyvisol in them and a bit in the water too. (My baby daughter hated the stuff in her milk, but he's not minding). Well, so much for going to the sale tomorrow, I better skip it in case this ISN'T wry neck and is something else. I'll start duramycin tomorrow if he acts like he's getting aspiration pneumonia from his face dunk in the water cup. I'm glad your hen is doing better!

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