******UPDATE POST 18******My chickens are cloudy eyed, snotty nosed

Hello Everybody! We had one minorca this morning with swollen eyes and a runny nose. Of course I checked here first and found the following possible causes: IB, ILT and coryza. As all these are very serious, we called our vet, isolated the hen, and then bleached all our water and feed containers. Now the tips of my fingers hurt while typing, I was in such a panic I did not remember gloves. ouch.

So, we went to the vet. I prepared my daughters for the possibility that our vet would request we put the bird down and test what could be the cause. The vet looked at our bird, said he felt it was eye irritation from allergies and dust gone to infection, he then gave her an antibiotic shot. His concern was only that we did not eat the bird (which was not going to happen in any event, we really like our hens too much) and not eat the eggs after the shot. So, we did isolate her per the vet's suggestion, but only to be sure we know which are her eggs and do not eat them.

All of our birds are hatchery chicks. One bird came from a neighbor about a year ago, but she is as plucky as ever. Can I rest and be relieved yet? After reading all this, I worry our vet is maybe not concerned enough? Then, that seems disrespectful of a professional who took care of my animals even when I was a kid. All our other 49+ chickens show no symtpoms and appear bright eyed and busy tailed (feathered?).

Can anyone give me some advice, have I done the right thing? I would have culled and sent for testing, but the vet was certainly not so concerned.

Thats good news, but I still would not let my guard down. Some of the respritory problems are slow moving. Keep an eye out for the chickens scratching at there heads or head shaking more often than normal.

Dust can be a problem for respritory, so can too much humidity/insufficient venting and excess ammonia.

Did the vet give you any withdrawal period advice for the eggs?

Hope it all works out and it turns out to be just a minor issue.
Well Iam going to TSC tomorrow and get soem durramycin and hopeing it will work.I will let you know the turn out. Thanks again.
Might be good to check out some info related to durramycin and eggs. Instructions with the meds say

"Not for use in turkeys or chickens producing eggs for human consumption." Same goes for treatments with Baytril. As I understand it there is a risk of developing and passing an antibiotic strain of campylobacter through the egg.

I have found some information though I don't know if it is reliable or not that says that the withdrawal period should be 21 days. I don't know the answer to this treating with antibiotics question, there is alot of confliction opinion and information, likely good to at least be as informed as one can before administering antibiotics to these egg layers to at least know what the risks are.

Another option for mild CRD could be super booster with penicillin G which lists a 5 day withdrawal for egg layers. Likely not as strong an antibiotic though as many bugs tend to be penicillin resistant.
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If you use Duramycin for anything, use 4 tsp per gallon. Don't try to figure out the dose on the pack. 4 tsp per gallon is the only dose that will do any good. It will not hurt them to use that much. You can use the same dosage for chicks. And btw, wait three weeks after they are done with it before eating eggs. After three weeks, eggs should be safe to eat.
Hello Everyone.Went to Co-op today and bought packs of Aeuromycin. they gave it to me.It ran out in August 2010 but they said it should be stil lgood. Is it the same as teh Duramycin and should I still put the 4tspin there?or just one? Thank you. Dusty
Hello everyone. The update is that every chciken is perkier and no runny noses, eyes etc. I got aeuroycin. Worked wonders for me. I gave them 3 treatments and they are all back to normal now. Thanks for teh help. Dusty
That's good. Sometimes it works that way. Chickens are a mystery.....

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