UPDATE: Vitamin B therapy worked! Thank you everyone.


Apr 9, 2010
Glasgow, KY
Okay, someone said there was a long thread on vitamin B therapy for leg problems in chicks.

I searched and searched; can't find it.

Does anyone have it bookmarked and can send me the link? (I'd appreciate it.)

I had a chick who was 12 weeks old and was badly limping and is having trouble walking.

We nursed her back to health, but she walks with a gimp.

She's still on medicated feed along with the others (30 total); and these were all hatched in my incubator (barnyard mixes)

Someone said there was a thread about giving vitamin B and I need to know things like:

* how much to give
* where to get the vitamin B (or is it just the same as human vitamin B)
* how to administer
* etc. (anything else I should know)

Thanx a bunch!

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Thank you, RIR, and yes I did see that website during my search.

Unfortunately, they do not explain what dosage to give or how to adminster the dosage.

I went out and bought some vitamin B12 tablets, but I still do not know HOW MUCH to give (one tablet, two tablets, 60 tablets???) . . . whatever.

There's GOTTA be SOMEONE that would have a clue, I'm sure.

I'm sorry I don't know which thread you are referring to, but maybe you could search Niacin dosage

I know it is niacin specifically that is important for leg development in water fowl, so I assume that it is similar with chickens.

good luck
Thank you!

I DO plan on getting some Brewers Yeast (my husband suggested it yesterday).
We live in podunk and there's no place nearby that sells it, so I will pick some up next week.

I just now found the vitamin B therapy thread that someone was referring to (I think this is it).
I'm reading it now. Here it is:

I'm gonna try all of your suggestions! Thank you so much!

I bought some Vit B-12 tablets and put about 3-5 in a jug of water.

My little cripple chick improved within 24 hours. She started off walking like a toy soldier, but now she runs around almost normal looking.

Today she is running around chasing everyone.

While she was crippled, all the others would trample over her; so now she seems to be getting revenge by chasing them.

Wish I had read about this earlier. I now also have some Brewers yeast that I sprinkle inside their food bag.

Thanks so much for sharing that link. I have a chick with leg issues that I have been trying to find help for. The only store near us had a Vitamin B - complex with Vitamin C. I picked it up. Any thoughts on the "with Vitamin C" part?
I'm hoping it will work until I can get to a bigger store. Please see my BYC page for pictures. I'd love to hear any suggestions anyone has.
I did not add any Vit C, but I'm sure it can't hurt.

My girl was 3 months old and all of a sudden she lost the use of one of her legs;
it was crumbled underneath her and she was laying face down with all the other chickens walking all over her.
Since I thought she was dying, I didn't take any photos.

My first thought was Marek's but after researching, it was clear it was not (so I was relieved).

For my little chicken, the Vit B worked almost immediately.

I hope you find a way to help your little one.


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