Updated! 5 & 6 week olds. Barred rock, RIR, Orphington, Wyandotte

Thank you so much for these posts and for posting your updates. I have a gorgeous 4.5 week old golden laced Wyandotte and her comb has turned pink/red, so it's nice to see your early pics showing your SLW had the same thing. Fingers crossed!
They were!! I've had some new chicks since then that turned out to be males, but these were all ladies. :) I've got pictures of my barred rock & wyandotte, if you're interested... http://livelovechickens.blogspot.com/2015/05/breed-spotlight-silver-laced-wyandotte.html

Thanks for asking! But my RIR passed away when she was about 8 weeks, unfortunately...
Thank you for your update, sorry to hear about your RIR......

Amelia is a beautiful bird! I am trying to decide which of my chicks I want to keep to get the best SLW look from them. They are wyandotte mixes. May I share their photos here?
Thank you for your update, sorry to hear about your RIR......

Amelia is a beautiful bird! I am trying to decide which of my chicks I want to keep to get the best SLW look from them. They are wyandotte mixes. May I share their photos here?
Of course! And thank you! She is definitely my prettiest!
Yay!! I'm glad they were helpful! I was freaking out when mine were turning pink, too! Fingers crossed for you!
Of course! And thank you! She is definitely my prettiest!

Thank you!

So I have 3 chicks we are keeping for our 11 babies (my aunt/uncle are raising the rest) they are 5 weeks old and where broody raised.

I know for sure we are keeping the one that is a GLW and probably one that is a buff orp. (in the last photos)

I like my chickens to each look different if possible. These are wyandotte mixes, not pure.

I can't decide which of the 3 following I want! I would like the SLW look but the two above have good personalities and are beautiful! The white one might be some columbian wyandotte!

The one below has somewhat good lacing look, but I really dont have a real connection to it, make sense?

I think the ones above are two that we are keeping, just need to pick one more!
Thank you!

So I have 3 chicks we are keeping for our 11 babies (my aunt/uncle are raising the rest) they are 5 weeks old and where broody raised.

I know for sure we are keeping the one that is a GLW and probably one that is a buff orp. (in the last photos)

I like my chickens to each look different if possible. These are wyandotte mixes, not pure.

I can't decide which of the 3 following I want! I would like the SLW look but the two above have good personalities and are beautiful! The white one might be some columbian wyandotte!

The one below has somewhat good lacing look, but I really dont have a real connection to it, make sense?

I think the ones above are two that we are keeping, just need to pick one more!

I think the white one is really cool looking! And if you're more attached to that one then the one with the pretty pattern, I'd go with that!

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