'Updated' IMAGE not for the faint of heart!


Hugs and well wishes to you and Baby.
Sounds like Baby will be getting the best of care. Hope Baby has a fast and uneventful recovery.

I've also met some vets who act life they don't care about farm birds, but I also know one who did everything he could to save a wild turkey that had been hit by a car. Not all vets are the same. I'd probably look for one who is more understanding.

Good luck, and we'll be thinking about you!
Oh my gosh, Mama Gallina!!! Thank God you chased that stupid dog and saved Baby Ed from certain death! He is a lucky lucky birdie to have you and your husband. I truly pray he will recover completely and that you find out who owns that @!!#%! dog. They need to be held responsible! Blessings to you and yours.


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