UPDATED new pic*PICS - Something on Rooster's Comb - PICS*


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
I just noticed something on my rooster's comb this morning. The spot is a little rough to the touch but not bumpy. It is white around the edges and brownish red in the middle, it looks like a scab but has the texture of dry skin. I have been searching the internet all morning and can't find anything that looks like his. Any help would be appreciated please!


Ok here is a new picture of him:

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I think it looks like a scab. Did he have a little tiff with one of his flock members?
Please anyone?? I just want to be sure it isn't something contagious to my whole flock! PLEASE HELP
Are you able to get a picture that is right on the area? This looks like a scab that might have been picked by another chicken..but hard to tell without looking right at it...is it spreading out beside that one place?
I should be able to when I get home from work. I am getting ready to leave and I just took this picture real fast by myself. I will get someone to hold him for me. I will post back with a new picture soon!
It is a scab. Chickens don't always have "raised" scabs like we do: in fact, many of my scabs aren't "raised". Don't worry about it unless it spreads! I have never heard of a contagious illness that begins with a scab on a comb...
Well I have never had anything like this before and I was looking at favus and fowl pox (I know that it is neither of these) but I just didn't know what other things it could be or if it was something contagious since I have never dealt with this before.


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