Updates on the last pages: Neighbor is threatening me and my chickens

I don't live far from you. seems like every other neighbour on my street has chickens. you should consider moving to east durham or the surrounding area. avoid the historical districts and your birds should be fine. this is chicken country.
I have to stay within Schoharie school district. Otherwise I would be able to move to the woods. My mom owns land in Albany county, Berne Knox, that I could move to if I wanted. But I’m looking for NYS ag. protected land in my area. There’s a lot of it just not a ton of houses for sale there. Most of the houses for sale are in the towns or villages. But I did find some in my price range. It’s just getting the loans now. Which is taking forever.
I finally got ahold of the dog warden today after leaving a not so nice message on her machine. Turns out she hadn’t been getting any of our messages. We had called her directly three times and went to the town court house to complain, the town and village share a court house. This was the first she was hearing about it. Her voicemail wasn’t recording messages and all she got from my irate message was “appreciate it if someone f-ing did something about it.” The town of Esperance also doesn’t pay her enough to be a full time dog control officer so it’s barely part time for her. She gets paid a couple hundred dollars a week. 😑 Cheap bas****s.

The fact that the court house didn’t call the DCO or do anything about it is what really makes me mad. I have chickens and try hard to come into compliance after a complaint is brought against me, but the village does nothing when I complain about a neighbor. I’m not going to go away. Not until I move and that’s looking to take awhile. Might be here for another year. 😞 The variance is really all I have left. Until I move though these people better buckle up.
I finally got ahold of the dog warden today after leaving a not so nice message on her machine. Turns out she hadn’t been getting any of our messages. We had called her directly three times and went to the town court house to complain, the town and village share a court house. This was the first she was hearing about it. Her voicemail wasn’t recording messages and all she got from my irate message was “appreciate it if someone f-ing did something about it.” The town of Esperance also doesn’t pay her enough to be a full time dog control officer so it’s barely part time for her. She gets paid a couple hundred dollars a week. 😑 Cheap bas****s.

The fact that the court house didn’t call the DCO or do anything about it is what really makes me mad. I have chickens and try hard to come into compliance after a complaint is brought against me, but the village does nothing when I complain about a neighbor. I’m not going to go away. Not until I move and that’s looking to take awhile. Might be here for another year. 😞 The variance is really all I have left. Until I move though these people better buckle up.
I reacted with a heart. I don't love your post, but I figured you need some love.
I have nothing to add here other than this is absolutely batshit insane and as someone with major depressive disorder and major anxiety this is absolutey infuriating on every level and I get anxiety for you. Great unholy f*ck. These people need to be struck by lightning.

I read this whole thread, every reply, and I am gobsmacked. When it rains it pours is an absolute understatement. Holy hell you need angels to be real.
I have nothing to add here other than this is absolutely batshit insane and as someone with major depressive disorder and major anxiety this is absolutey infuriating on every level and I get anxiety for you. Great unholy f*ck. These people need to be struck by lightning.

I read this whole thread, every reply, and I am gobsmacked. When it rains it pours is an absolute understatement. Holy hell you need angels to be real.
I am almost in tears reading this. I don’t know why but I am. I have to have my chickens “removed from the property” by the 12 of this month and my anxiety is driving me crazy. I just can’t wait until this is all over and I’m on the other side of it all. I wish angels were real. Or even that these people weren’t so cold hearted. They just see it as doing a job. If you can even call it that. But they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They just want it all to go away and for everyone to follow the rules. 😑
I am almost in tears reading this. I don’t know why but I am. I have to have my chickens “removed from the property” by the 12 of this month and my anxiety is driving me crazy. I just can’t wait until this is all over and I’m on the other side of it all. I wish angels were real. Or even that these people weren’t so cold hearted. They just see it as doing a job. If you can even call it that. But they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They just want it all to go away and for everyone to follow the rules. 😑
I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how this is wreaking havoc on you, mind, body and soul. I am also an atheist, so I won't pray, because that shit is worthless, but I'll be thinking of you, and if you need to just talk to someone, I'm here. You can dm me or whatever makes you comfortable.

Us shivering chihuahuas, we gotta stick together and support each other. It's so hard. Just to do every day life stuff is so hard. What you're going through is colossal upheaval. Just unreal. I'm so happy you have a therapist that's actively participating in your life. I think that's the closest thing to an angel as we can get.

I'm rooting for you. You can get through this. Your thread has so many more people who feel for you, want to help, want you to succeed, want your happiness, because you deserve it.
I can't think of anything worse for anxiety than being an atheist... Still not in control and now no hope.
Angels are real, and the Lord sends them to watch over us. I will keep both you, Smiley and @SarahLadd in my prayers. ❤️
I hope this situation gets better for you soon, @Smileybans . Did the dog warden say what she was going to do about his dog?
I can't think of anything worse for anxiety than being an atheist... Still not in control and now no hope.
Angels are real, and the Lord sends them to watch over us. I will keep both you, Smiley and @SarahLadd in my prayers. ❤️
I hope this situation gets better for you soon, @Smileybans . Did the dog warden say what she was going to do about his dog?
No hope? Just because I believe in one less god than all the other gods you don't believe in doesn't mean I have "no hope". It's an understanding that there is one life, one chance to experience it, one opportunity to make the best of it, and it's on me to act for results. Because there is no invisible hand that's changing the results. It makes every moment matter so much more. Prayer is a bandaid for mental distress. It does nothing to cure the wound. A mere placebo. If I'm prayed for, I understand that this prayer is not for me, it is for the person making the prayer, to make themselves feel better about doing nothing else to help a person or their plight. Real change requires actions, and actions speak louder than words, even prayers. Especially prayers.
@Ruby Rogue I don’t get offended by others religion. Although I have tried believing in god, I was raised a Christian, it didn’t help my mental state. My father died when I was 2 and my mom became an absent mother. Left with four kids to raise on her own she was deeply depressed. I thought god would help me. Instead, at 16, I tried to end my life. It was then that I realized I had to help myself. (I apologize if this is offensive or triggering to anyone. That is not my intent.)

All this isn’t to say that I dislike those who believe in god. My motto is live and let live. Do I believe in a god? No not really. I believe in what I can see and touch. My belief of is more that when I die the earth takes over. My body and soul go back to where they came from. Mother Earth.

@Isadora T The dog warden said she would issue a warning first. Either today or tomorrow she would be going to his house. That she works in stages. If I complain again she will issue a citation for the dog. Hopefully it helps.

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