Upintheholler and Pasofinofarm eggs, LOCKDOWN and leghorn broody

If you see veins they are developing fine. I've NEVER seen movement while candling. Ever. All hatched fine.
I did see veins! I can't remember when I candled last batch, this is only my second time doing this. But I remember I saw movement the first time I candled.

My husband is an officer, so he has one of those super blinding flash lights that I use.

The temp couldn't have been up there too high, I don't believe since it was normal when I checked it again
I would give it another 4-5 days before you call it quits.
I had some eggs that were in a bator that was turned off over night, then the eggs went into the trash outside for the whole day, then I was convinced to give them a few days more, now I have 8 healthy fluffy butts!
Aren't those flash lights great! I have one my Nephew bought me. They will cause your chicks to be born with sun glasses though lol. and no folks don't even think about running out and getting one. I think mine cost about $125. but they will put headlights to shame.
I am sorry about your temp spike, it is scarey. I hope it will be ok.

I have a digital thermometer that is used for cooking. It has the probe attached to a display and then a remote. The cool thing about that is that I can set it to sound an alarm when the food ( or in this case incubator) gets up to a certain temp. While I can't take it to work with me I can set it at night and I know that if the temp goes above 101 or 102 the alarm will sound. It sits on my night stand.

I think you can find these quite often where barbecues are sold. The are really intended to let you see the temp of food out on the barbe while you are in the house.

I hope it all works out for you. Let us know.
Went into lock down yesterday, so excited!

I have a white leghorn that is on day 3 of being broody. What are the chances I can get her to accept chicks after setting only 6 days, and are they any good at raising chicks? I haven't heard of any going broody.

Last time I hatched I had my buff orpington go broody and raise 10 chicks, I guess this time my leghorn decided she wanted chicks of her own.

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