
In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2020
Baltimore, MD
Hi Y’all - I hate to be writing under such unfortunate circumstances, but encountered a sad situation with one of my silkies (female, I think!). She is 4 months old.

I opened the run in the morning and she popped out appearing with absolutely no upper beak - only a sliver on the right side. Her tongue is completely visible by looking at her. Now, there was no blood at the time I found her, but it looked like some slight scabbing on her comb. My hypothesis is that this was an injury from getting thestuck in the hardware cloth inside their overnight coop/run.

I do not know of any avian vets that can help with this matter yet.

She has seemed normal in trying to eat and drink, but possibly a bit depressed about being alone.

Things that have been done so far -

1. Separate her in her own enclosure within viewing distance of her flock - she is in the upper portion of an old rabbit hutch within a 10x10 run within my yard. Her silkie flock mates are also inside the 10x10
2. I put in one of the younger, nice silkies with her at night so she had a snuggle buddy for warmth. the others go in their own coop at night...which last night ended up being the bottom portion of the same rabbit hutch...sleeping silkie pile
3. Create a deep dish of slightly elevated food - chick crumble and finely scrambled egg
4. Elevated water dish with Rooster Booster Poultry Cell

Does anyone know if there is a chance her beak will regrow?!

Thank you to anyone who may have some insight for this situation - Jillian

Here is a before as well as some close ups to show the beak injury -

So sorry about your silkies beak injury. That is very serious, and she may have a hard time getting enough to eat. You may need to hand feed her or try tube feeding her twice a day. Make sure that you get her fully hydrated with fluids before tube feeding. KayTee baby bird feed and ground chicken feed mixed with a lot of water are frequently used for tube feeding. Nipple waterers might be helpful. Here is some tube feeding info:

Thank you both for providing this helpful information.

I have since brought her inside and started supportive care with syringe and tube feedings. I am hoping that this can last until there is some beak regrowth.

It would be so encouraging to hear from anyone that has experienced anything like this, and if their chicken’s beak did in fact grow back (??)

Here’s to hoping!

Thank you both for providing this helpful information.

I have since brought her inside and started supportive care with syringe and tube feedings. I am hoping that this can last until there is some beak regrowth.

It would be so encouraging to hear from anyone that has experienced anything like this, and if their chicken’s beak did in fact grow back (??)

Here’s to hoping!

I had a chicken break off part of their beak earlier this year. It wasn’t nearly as bad as your poor hen but my chicken’s beak has grown back. It took about 6-8 weeks but now she’s doing fine. Hoping that your hen will heal nicely and her beak will grow back quickly!
I had a chicken break off part of their beak earlier this year. It wasn’t nearly as bad as your poor hen but my chicken’s beak has grown back. It took about 6-8 weeks but now she’s doing fine. Hoping that your hen will heal nicely and her beak will grow back quickly!

Thank you so much for the well wishes! I am sooo hoping that her beak will grow back 🤞🏼
Here are a few updated photos taken this evening to show the healing that has occurred since November 15.

she receives supportive care, but doesn’t eat or drink on her own yet.


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